A Different Calling

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I'm going to keep this short and not so sweet. 

He won.

Gary went and beat the first Gym, and you wanna know what really gets to me? Is that he did it by only using two of his Pokemon! 

Oh, you should have seen the smug look on his face, with that stupid smirk plastered on his face, with a hint of bragging mixed in. And altogether that makes one hell of a messed up look, he didn't care! Because he won. 

He beat me since I struggled with my Gym battle, he was able to basically sweep through, and then have the audacity to look at me like that!

Eevee was jumping up and down, cheering for Gary. Obviously, he's picked his favourite out of the two of us already... thanks, 'buddy'. But I sat there with my arms crossed, looking like a stroppy brat. I'll admit that's how I was feeling at that moment because I knew that I would never hear the end of this. After all, I wanted to be the one who was going to brag about defeating the Gym leader! This was my first ever Gym battle after all, and I wanted it to go well, which it did. I did still win, but not the way he did.

"Congratulation Gary, you've earned this badge," Falkner said as he handed Gary his Gym badge

"Congratulation Gary, you've earned this badge... yeah right," I said in a high pitch, mocking tone. 

Earning myself a snobby side glance from Gary.

"Thanks, Falkner, it was a good match," Gary said as he shook Falkner's hand.

We said our goodbyes to everyone at the Gym as we left the building and started making our way to the Pokemon Centre. 

I must admit, the trip was unusually quiet

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I must admit, the trip was unusually quiet.

I knew why I was being quiet, I was still sulking after all, but why was he? He should be bragging the sky down by this point!

We got into the Pokemon Centre and gave Nurse Joy our Pokemon for her to heal. That's funny, this Nurse Joy looks exactly the same as the one in New Bark Town, and they both have the same name? Are they twins and their parents couldn't be bothered to think of another name? Maybe they were Joy 1 and Joy 2? 

Hmmm... decisions decisions. And while I'm here thinking about this Joy situation, Gary has wandered off! 

What am I going to do with him?

I started looking around the building until I finally found him sitting by himself in the corner, this is really weird.

"Ok. Out with it. What's bothering you?" I ask as I sit next to him.

"Hmm? Nothing's bothering me."

"Oh, come on! You just won your first Gym battle in the Johto Region, not to mention winning it by only using two of your Pokemon. You should be ecstatic right now! Mocking me and bragging about your victory. But instead, you're here, sitting alone and looking as if you just lost the keys to your sports car or something. So I'm going to ask again. What's bothering you?"

Gary sighs as he knows I'm not going to give up,

"It's just... I thought winning that match would be the great, the same feeling as I've had in the past when I've won, but something about it was different. I guess it just felt like a hollow victory in a way." He sighed, looking to the ground.

"Hollow? Hollow, how? A win is a win, is it not?"

"No, it's not," Gary said as he stood up, 

I guess things are getting a little more serious.

"This win. I don't know what was different, but something clicked, and I realised something..."

So this 'something' am I going to have to answer for him or is he going to tell me? Because this is a really long pause.

"Which is?" I asked, waiting for him to continue.

"I don't think I want to become a Pokemon master anymore."

"What? But why not? And how can one battle change your opinion on this goal that you've had for so long? I'm sorry, but this just doesn't make much sense to me." I rambled on.

I'm so confused. How can you go from following you dreams one minute, to not having any dreams the next?

"I don't know what to tell ya, Liz, but something made me realise that this isn't the path I want to take for the rest of my life. There's something else I feel like I should be doing." He said, now looking up to the sky, as if the answer was up there.

"So, what are you gonna do about it? Are you going to keep collecting the Gym badges? Or just give up?" I asked, looking at him.

"That's a good question. I think for now I'll continue on this path since it's the only one I've ever known, but I'm going to keep thinking about what I want to do with my life. I can feel it, there's something else out there for me."

Well... this got pretty serious didn't it. He went from winning a Gym battle to contemplating what we're doing with our lives. This was a fun little conversation. But now that Gary brings it up I still haven't decided on what I want to do! 

I decided to go around collecting Gym badges as a start so I could figure out what I wanted to do along the way, but I still don't have a clue.

"Well, I guess if I have to travel around with ya, I could help you figure it out..." I say rolling my eyes and mockingly patting his back.

"Haha. You know you don't HAVE to travel around with me, you can leave anytime you like."

"Ah, but where's the fun in that? I'm getting used to my daily dose of annoyance, it's refreshing." I said winking at him.

We both started laughing, not even realising Nurse Joy (probably Joy 2) walk up to us with our Pokeballs, along with Eevee who jumped onto my shoulder.

"Oh, hey, buddy. You feeling better now?"

"Eevee!" he replied with a smile

"Your Pokemon are all back to full strength, happy and healthy as ever." Joy 2 said with a smile

"Thanks, Nurse Joy," we both said as we took our Pokeballs, making our way out of the Centre.

"Well, I guess we better get going then, life isn't going to wait for us." Gary said, looking to Eevee and I.

"It will if I have anything to say about it!" 

We laughed at my comment as we walked in the direction of the next city that awaited us.

Sorry for the short chapter, I felt like it's been a while since I wrote something and this was the best way to be able to start the next chapter. If you guys have any suggestions I would really appreciate it.

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