Everything's Changing

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And like that the whole atmosphere had changed, because both Eevee and I could see what move this Pokemon was about to use.

It's about to use a Hyper Beam!

"Eevee get ready to dodge"

Eevee started running, but I had no idea what to do, this attack may end up hitting me if I don't move it. My legs were frozen, I just didn't know what to do with myself.

Tyranitar had finished storing up power and unleashed the Hyper Beam. Thankfully Eevee was able to get out of there in time, but the attack was heading straight for me!

What do I do... WHAT DO I DO?!?


Was the last thing I heard before getting pushed to the ground.

Was the last thing I heard before getting pushed to the ground

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Before I could even turn around to see who said that, I was being pushed to the floor, feeling the force of the Hyper Beam pass over my head as I continued to fall. 

I closed my eyes on impact and felt pain rush through my head as it hit the ground, but I guess I'd rather have a small headache then a big hole going through my stomach right about now.

I finally opened my eyes to see who had saved me, and to my surprise, it was none other than the smug smile expert. Gary Oak. Has that jerk been following me or something?

"Do you like getting yourself into trouble? Or did you do this on purpose, so I would come and save you?" Gary asked, towering over me.

And you guessed it, he said it all with that darn SMUG SMILE! This is why I left him to begin with, that jerk kept making me feel like I can't do things on my own and that he's the best person ever to walk the earth.

"You really think I'd go to all this trouble just so I could see you again? You think I walked away from you and thought 'I've made a massive mistake I can't live without him! Oh I know I'll just go and find a MASSIVE POKEMON, challenge it to a battle and nearly get myself killed, then he'll come and save me!'"

"Aw, you know I missed that sarcastic wit of yours..." He said fondly.

Before I could reply, Eevee was by our side shouting for us to get up. I looked to see the Tyranitar walking closer and closer.

I pushed Gary off me and stood back up. I wobbled a bit as I finally got to my feet, I guess that knock to the head did a bit more damage than I first thought. Before I fell back to the floor, I felt Gary catch me and help to keep me steady.

"Woah, you ok there?" He asked as I leaned into his arms.

I held my head, trying to push the dizziness to the back of my mind, but that's kind of hard when you can't even think straight. I don't even know where the front of my mind is right now, so finding the back is impossible.

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