3 Strikes and She's out!

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The battles were about the begin.

Casey had let her rage, or crazy, blind her. So, she decided to challenge Ash, a Pokémon trainer who I'm told got into the top 16 in the Indigo Plateau, to a three on three Pokémon battle. 

I decided to challenge Misty in a one on one Pokémon battle instead, I was planning on challenging Casey but seems crazy tops sanity these days. 

I decided to go for a one on one battle because she's trying to become a Water Pokémon master and one of my Pokémon is a fire type. Not to mention I only just got Pichu so I don't think I would be able to win a battle using him just yet so that just leaves Eevee. 

I bet Eevee wants this win just as much as I do since our last match didn't exactly go to plan. This time we're determined to win!

"You ready Misty? Because I'm not going to go easy on you!" I yelled from across the field

I tried to sound confident, but if I'm honest, I'm freaking out! My first battle, if you can remember eons ago, didn't exactly go swimmingly. And all the other battles I've had since then have been against my own Pokémon and other wild Pokémon!

So, yeah... wish me a whole lot of luck! I'm sure gonna need it.

"I'm ready, Liz, but you should prepare yourself for the strength of my Water-Type Pokémon!" She shouted back with a determined smile.

I never understood how people prefer primarily one type of Pokémon, why can't you like all types?

I've got to get out of my damn head before the battle starts!

Beside us was Casey and Ash about to start their battle, I wonder what type of Pokémon Ash has? Does he have any other Pokémon in his team who aren't fully evolved? Like Pikachu? Or are the rest all highly skilled battlers? Huh so much to think about...

Casey sent out her Pidgey, which seems about right for a beginning trainer to have as one of their Pokémon. 

Still, just as I'm here thinking about it, Ash is over there ranting about 'the good old days' he does realise he's not 60 right?

But once Casey started shouting at him to get a move on, he got his head back into the battle and sent out his Pokémon.

"I choose you, Charizard!" He shouted


Ash has a Charizard as well?!? Talk about a bad case of déjà vu, both Eevee and I just looked in shock at the giant lizard that came out of the tiny Pokéball.

How is this even possible? I'm quite glad I didn't challenge Ash to a battle now...

"Umm, Liz? Are you ok? The battle's meant to be starting now." Misty asked me concerned.

Huh? Oh yeah! I'm meant to be in a battle as well! 

Umm, uh, right, I got to get my head back in the fight... again.

"Ok Eevee, don't worry about the big Charizard over there. Definitely nothing scary about it. We're in this battle over here, and what do you say we win it?" I say clenching my fist, desperately trying to distract myself from the flame lizard. 

Instantly Eevee gave me a determined look and smiled, telling me he was ready for our battle to begin. Pichu stood next to me, to help cheer Eevee and I on.

Misty called out her Pokémon.

"I choose you! Staryu!" 

And like that, a star-shaped Pokémon appeared in front of me, I guess it's kind of in the name though, Staryu, sort of an obvious name... I'm amazed they never called it 'Heeya'. If you've ever noticed that whenever a Staryu responds to you, it literally sounds like it's saying 'heya' really fast. It's not like Eevee or Pikachu who literally say their names, I'm betting when they discovered the Staryu they thought 'Heeya' was a stupid name. So they went for the next best thing, describing what it looks like, a star.

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