Pika Power

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After our eventful day of fighting a giant Wobuffett, opening a dam and lighting back up an entire city's power supply. Gary and I (mostly Gary - shockingly) decided to have a calm day. Sounds perfect, right? Wrong!

Turns out this idiot's idea of a 'calm day' is by training and we decided to do this... by having a battle!

We packed up our camping equipment, with the help of Umbreon's Psychic, and began to prepare for breakfast.

You didn't think we were having the battle straight away did ya? Nah, that's our plan for the entire day!

Apparently in Gary's words - "We can have a relaxing, but productive day of training and battles, you'll love it"

But I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I don't love it. The only reason I agreed was so I didn't have to go trudging through forests and mountains, giving my legs a break from all the running yesterday.

With the table laid and bowls spread out, accompanying to each of our Pokemon, which (if you haven't noticed) we've got quite a few of now. I began to put each Pokemon's respective foods in their bowls, putting extra berries on top for each Pokemon's needs.

You see, Gary and I made a deal. Since I'm terrible at making my own meals, we decided that he would make our meals, while I would handle the Pokemon's food.

Don't worry, I won't poison them, I've actually been getting better with my Pokefood making skills. Typical that I make better food for Pokemon than for myself... but at least they won't starve! If the worst happens I'll have to survive on Pokemon food.

So, yeah, in any case I'm sure it tastes delicious, it was made by me after all. Anyways! Back on track from that little detour of a mind wander I had.

After a while I realised how different each of our Pokemon's taste buds were, Eevee and Pichu preferred sweet tastes, while Growlithe and Umbreon would rather spicy. And Tyranitar? I don't even know what he likes, every time I offer him food he turns his head away in disgust. I try adding different berries, but I always know when I'm on the right track when he takes the bowl from me and walks away from the group. Not a very sociable Pokemon, but at least I know he's eating. You know when Tyranitar doesn't like it when he stares at you relentlessly until you take the bowl away to 'try again' I swear those eyes stare straight through your soul!

With that said, I put each of the Pokemon's food out, for both mine and Gary's Pokemon, and called them all to breakfast.

Gary and I sat at the table, while the Pokemon ate their respective meals from the ground, with the exception of Pichu who decided to join us at the table.

"So, I've decided to go easy on you and let you choose who to go up against in our first battle." Gary said, overconfidently I might add.

"Wow. Aren't you a real gent? And they said chivalry was dead." I replied sarcastically.

"Ha, ha, very funny. Come on, I wanna know who I'll be up against." He said ecstatically.

"Now, now. You said I get to choose which of your Pokemon, I didn't say I'd tell you who I'll be choosing myself just yet." I said, deciding to tease him a little.

"Urghh, fine. Just pick one already."

Sounds like the teasing worked. I win!

"Alright, I choose... Scyther." I said, pointing to his Pokemon.

Scyther lifted its head to look at me, questioning why its name was mentioned in conversation.

"Ooooh, I get it. You want to use Growlithe so you'll have the advantage" Gary cooed.

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