New Year's Special

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As the others approached us, I had a mix of feelings. There was a small bit of relief in me, to know that they weren't attacked by rabid Ursaring's or anything. But the other half is annoyed because Gary was about to ask me something.

Oh well, probably would have been something stupid like 'would you consider joining a gym' but if he asked me that, he likely would have gotten a punch to the face, the nerve of some people...

"Come on you guys! We need to get to the Pokémon Centre. It's New Year's Eve if you hadn't noticed?" Shouted Misty as they all ran towards us.

Well isn't this great, an excuse to stay up till midnight and wait for a clock to turn to 00:00 and then a new year starts anew. I've never really understood New Year's Eve, people going out and having fun, but I've always just spent it at home, I'd play with mums Pokémon while she went out to a friends house. I didn't mind though, I was given permission to stay up! But being 10 it's hard enough staying up till 9:00pm let alone 12:00am, so she would end up finding me asleep on the couch. Ahhh the memories.

But that's my New Year's Eve! Nothing sad about that, you go ahead and live your lives I'll be at home eating Coco pops out of a box... sorry, where were we?

"Come on, I bet Nurse Joy will be waiting for us!" Ash said as he started to run ahead.

"Why would she be waiting for us? Until we turn up, I don't even think she knows we exist?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

Gary laughed at my remark, and we both started running along to catch up with Ash to make sure we get to the Pokémon Centre in time.

My God I hate running, running is so pointless! You'll get wherever you're going, either way, running just tires you out quicker, and it's so much effort! Is it just me that thinks so? Or is everyone else not a lazy so and so like me?

We finally get to the Pokemon Centre, and I'm not ashamed to say I was COMPLETELY out of breath. I'm also not ashamed to say that the Pokémon Centre was just down a hill from where we were standing... I may have some issues I need to work on, but that can be for next year.

You know what they say! 'New year, new me' Yeah, that saying is a load of nonsense.

You know what they say! 'New year, new me' Yeah, that saying is a load of nonsense

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"We're here, who wants to eat?" Brock asked us all as we walked through the doors.

That guy just read my mind, but food is always on my mind, so it wasn't hard to know what I'm thinking.

"Do you even have to ask?" I asked.

Everyone laughed with me as we all made our way to the food court to get something to eat. Since it's New Year's Eve, Nurse Joy put on a large spread of food for the occasion, I'm impressed, and that's hard to do with me, if you couldn't tell, I'm a bit of a moody and (possibly) judgemental person...

As the night went on, we all talked and helped out our Pokémon, a simple yet sweet night. Still, it slowly came around to 11:00pm, and you could see the tired looks on everyone's faces, it literally felt like tiny fairies were trying to drag my eyes shut. But I will not be beaten! I will not let stupid annoying fairies close my eyes, I hate fairies...


Huh, who said that?

I look around to see Gary staring at me, 

"uh yeah..." I answered cautiously 

I'm a little nervous if I'm honest, he's acting really weird, or am I the weird one? Maybe we're all weird?

"Umm, I just wanted to check you were going to stay awake till midnight, that's all" He asked seemingly nervously.

And there it is! Another stupid question! You see what I mean? Maybe an Abra popped out of nowhere and used Confusion on the poor fella.

"Well, Yeah, of course I am. What would make you ask that?" 

Stupid guy.

"Oh! It's just you looked quite tired, and I wasn't sure if you were going to be able to stay up" He said in a challenging manner.

He's showing off that smug smile again, show off, he looks wide awake at the moment. Has he been filling up on energy drinks?

"Funny you should ask, I was just resting my eyes, I've been rolling them so much lately I thought they deserved a break, but they've had a good break now, and they feel good enough to do one more eye roll, just for you," I say as I make a dramatic eye roll.

Sassiness levels seem to skyrocket when I'm tired... cool!

Eevee was the first to go to sleep with Pikachu and Togepi resting themselves next to him. The next was Misty lying down on the couch, using her bag as a pillow, then was Brock who ended up sitting on the floor and slowly drifted off to sleep. So the remaining contestants in our little competition were Ash, Gary and, of course, me but who would be the last to fall?

This is like one of those weird drama shows, one person is killing the others off, one by one, but who is it? Now obviously no one's getting killed, but it feels like it! Sort of. Maybe. I dunno.

It was just coming up to 11:45pm, I could see out of the corner of my eye Ash was starting to close his eyes. He has already given up with standing and is currently sitting in a chair. But now his eyes were beginning to go as well. I think it's pretty apparent it's going to be Gary and I in the final round, let's do it!

As I expected, it hit 11:55pm and Ash was out for the count, but I could feel myself drifting off as well, one eye started to close, and the other wasn't far off. 

NO! I can't do this, I have to stay awake!

"You getting tired yet?" I heard Gary whisper to me.

Ha wouldn't you like to know, oh, I think he does know, by the fact one of my eyes are closed. I'm currently putting all of my energy into my right arm as I lean on it to hold my head up...

"I'm getting tired of you constantly checking up on me if that's what you mean? I already told you, I'm staying up until midnight and that's that." 

He held his hands up in defeat, 

"Haha, ok ok. I was just asking" 

I looked over at him one last time, but then gave all of my attention to the clock. One minute away.

I could hear Gary start to count down, and I began to join in, the tension leading up to this moment, the last two people standing.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, happy new year!" Me and Gary half-shouted and half-whispered to each other. 

Didn't want to wake the others up.

I did it, I stayed up till midnight and was able to be one of the first to be awake during the start of 2018!

I was about to sit back down in my chair when I felt something on my cheek... he didn't did he? 

Seriously. He didn't kiss me did he?

I looked over at Gary, and he had gone completely red, I was about to ask him about it when he quickly said,

"It's New Year's tradition to do that at the start of a new year, don't think anything of it." 

Haha 'don't think anything of it' wow he really doesn't know girls does he? I guess tonight I won't think about it. I'll let it slide this time.

I just want to go to sleep...

Yes, yes, yes I know this is late since it's a 'New Years special' but I wanted to do one but I've been busy all day, so better late than never right? Sorry it's not much but I literally just wrote it all out without thinking about it, I just wanted something!
It's still so amazing this story has 1k views! It's so amazing! So thank you all for that, and I'll TRY and update again soon (but don't take my word for it, if you couldn't tell by now, I'm not the most trustworthy when it comes to updates 😂)
Be sure to vote and comment what you guys think! (Credit to the artist for the photo, I couldn't draw something that awesome)

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