When Eevee's Collide

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The time had come. It was time for an all-out Eevee vs Eevee battle! You wouldn't believe how long I've wanted this! (A whole hour!) and now it's finally going to happen.

Gary, Eevee and I had made our way out of the forest and were waiting for everyone else to make it out. Still, they're taking quite a long time, probably because they're not even worried about me... jerks, not caring if I got lost or hurt.

So, to pass the time, I thought it was time to test mine and Eevee's strength since Gary told me that he also had an Eevee!

The moment had finally come, the moment of truth people! For our Eevee's to battle against one another, to see which is truly better (obviously it's going to be MY Eevee, have you seen the little guy? He's adorable! And tough)

"Well Liz, if you really want to lose against the power of my Eevee, then go right ahead, but I wouldn't blame you if you backed out now?" Stated Gary rather smugly, 

I wonder where his charm and grace went? I guess that leaves him whenever he goes into a battle, talk about two-faced!

"You seriously think I would pull out of a battle? You obviously don't know me, I mean I may think it sometimes, but I would never go through with it!" I rambled on stupidly.

He looked at me curiously, like I spoke to him in a different language. After a while he smiled, I guess it took a couple of seconds for him to process what I said, it wasn't that shocking, was it?

"Look at that, not even a year into your journey, and you're speaking like a true trainer, we may sometimes be scared of what's to come, but we never back down from a challenge!" He said, clenching his fist in the air.

He spoke with confidence and a sort of pride. I wasn't exactly going for an award-winning speech, I was basically telling him that I'm going through with the battle... now that I think about it, I could have literally said 

'I'm not backing out' 

That would have been so much easier, and less time-wasting!

But enough of this boring chit chat, I want to get on with the battle! 

"Ok Gary, let's do this!" I shout with a determined smile.

Immediately his facial expression changes to also one of a determined face, as we both shout,

"Let's go!"

The Eevee-off commences!

"Go, Eevee!" I shouted, pointing to the battlefield, as Eevee runs out in front, ready for battle

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"Go, Eevee!" I shouted, pointing to the battlefield, as Eevee runs out in front, ready for battle.

"Alright, let's do this! I choose you, Eevee!" Shouted Gary as he threw a poke ball into the air.

This is it!

"You have the first move, Gary," I say to him

"Feeling confident, are we? Ok then, Eevee use your Double Team!"

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