Robot Riot

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That's another Gym badge to add to the collection! The gigantic collection of a whopping two badges. That's right people, I got two badges now! Only another six to go I guess, oh great, and those badges are going to be tougher to get from here. However, my team is also getting stronger! 

With Umbreon leading the team and Growlithe, Pichu and Tyranitar by my side, no one can stop us! As long as they all listen to me... not looking at anyone, in particular, *cough* Tyranitar *cough* but we'll work on that.

Gary, Umbreon and I set back off on our journey after stopping by the Pokemon Centre and Market to stock up on supplies. 

We headed out of Azalea Town and into, you guessed it, another forest. Will this madness ever end?

After trudging through the forest for what felt like hours, I found myself wondering, 'where the hell are we?' 

Oh no, this idiot's gone and gotten us lost hasn't he? I knew I shouldn't have let him lead the way.

"We're lost aren't we?" I said in an annoyed tone, looking down at Umbreon to see he had the same look on his face as me.

"We're not lost! We're just taking a different route" Gary snapped back.

"Would this 'different route' be the wrong way by any chance?"

"Oh, like you could do any better!"

"An Aipom could read that map better than you!"

"Aw come on, I know you may look like a monkey, but you don't sound like one at least," Gary said with a sympathetic yet demeaning face.

"What did you just say Oak?!"

"Oh, spoke too soon, there's that banshee scream I missed so much." He laughed, holding his hands over his ears.

Oh. That. Is. It!

"Umbreon use Psychic on this jerk!"

At first, Umbreon looked at me with a worried look, but when Gary flashed that smug smile of his, causing something in Umbreon to snap as he quickly sent Gary flying. 

Ah, all is right with the world. Peace at last.

"LIZ!!!! STOP THIS!" I could hear Gary shout as he began to plummet to the ground.

Hmmm... should I help him? Or let him splat to the ground like a weird Gary pancake? Oh, a Gary pancake sounds good, I'm feeling a bit hungry now, maybe some toast?


Oh, shoot.

"Alright, Umbreon stop him there."

Umbreon then quickly used his Psychic to stop Gary seconds before he splat to the ground.

"You're an idiot, ya know?" He said as he sat on the ground while breathing heavily.

"Hmm, who was the one who called me a banshee?" I retorted

"Because you kept saying that I got us lost!"

"We are lost!" I shouted back

Just as the words left my mouth, we heard the weak cry of a Pokemon in the distance. Umbreon's ears perked up, and we all turned our heads in the direction of the noise. What I saw made all the anger entirely leave my body. What was replaced was sadness and urgency, as I saw an exhausted and beaten up Eevee crash to the ground.

We all ran over, Umbreon leading the way, Gary leaned down next to the Eevee and looked over its injuries.

"How is it?' I asked with caution.

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