Big Bad Bugsy

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It was finally my turn to face Bugsy. 

I'm not going to lie when I say that I'm feeling a little nervous. Thankfully I'm not as nervous as I was for my first Gym battle, but this is still a little daunting. Maybe it helped the fact that I got to see Gary face off against Bugsy first, I have an idea of what I'm up against now.

Gary walked over to the bench, flicking his badge up to show it off. No pressure, right?

Interestingly this simple act boosted my own confidence, knowing that I won't let Gary beat me.

"Alright, let's get this party started! Let's go, Growlithe!" I shouted as I threw my Pokeball into the air.

Growlithe appeared, looking ready to fight.

"Hmph, you think Fire types will win this battle for you? Go, Spinarak!" Bugsy said as he released his Spinarak once again.

"Growlithe isn't your ordinary Fire type. Let's show him what I mean, Growlithe, Flamethrower!"

Growlithe unleashed his Flamethrower attack, but the Spinarak quickly dodged it using its webs.

"Now Spinarak, use Poison Sting!"

Multiple shots of poison launched towards Growlithe

"Use your Quick Attack to dodge the spikes Growlithe!"

Growlithe was easily able to dodge the Poison Sting and got behind the Spinarak,

"Now Growlithe, Flamethrower one more time," I say to Growlithe as he unleashes his attack. 

It hits its mark and sends Spinarak flying

"Spinarak! Use your String Shot on a tree."

Spinarak quickly regained its stature and used its String Shot on a nearby tree to stop it from flying any further.

The battle went on and eventually, Spinarak grew tired, this was Growlithe's chance to strike.

"Now Growlithe, use your Bite attack!" 

Growlithe was able to get the upper hand and defeated Spinarak in one final blow.

Bugsy then sent out his Metapod, I'll save you the trouble and say that we won. It was a Metapod after all.

"Alright! That's two for two, only one Pokemon left Growlithe!" I shout out to my exhausted friend on the battlefield. He looks back and tiredly smiles.

"Don't be stupid, Liz!" Gary remarked, 

What's he going on about now?

"I'm not!" I shout back

"Look at Growlithe! He's exhausted!"

Huh, well yeah now I look a little closer I guess he is. 

Oh Growlithe, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise this must be taking such a significant toll on you. I had such tunnel vision on defeating Bugsy as soon as I could that I didn't realise the large toll this battle must be having on my dear Pokemon.

"Yeah, I guess so" I sadly admitted to Gary.

"Growlithe, why don't you take a rest?" 

Growlithe nods his head as I return him to his Pokeball. 

Now, who to send in next? I know that Bugsy is going to send out Scyther, but who do I choose?

Now, who to send in next? I know that Bugsy is going to send out Scyther, but who do I choose?

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