I'm Stuck

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(I don't own the picture, credit to the artists, whoever they may be 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Sorry for this just being an update chapter guys.

But I'm a little stuck. If you have any suggestions what so ever for where you want this story to go or any suggesting for what Liz should do then I'm all ears!

Should she stay with Gary? Should she go on her own? Any Pokemon you specifically want on her team??

I know what to do for the next chapter or two, but after that I'm not too sure. Anything after the flying type gym.

Should I include contests into this story? Since I'm the future series May comes to Johto to do competitions so it's not as if they don't exist, but I don't know really. If she was to do contests, would she do both gyms and contests or just one or the other??

Sorry to ask like this I'm just a bit stumped.

Also what we thinking about the new cover? Do we like it or should I go back to the original? Or maybe add something more to it.

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