Fourth Wall? What is This You Speak of?

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So, here we are again, aimlessly walking through a dark forest and yet still we have no idea where we're going!

Hi, I'm Liz, you may remember me as that fun-loving girl from New Bark Town, and where we last left this story, I had stupidly agreed to join Ash and his friends on their journey. Why did you let me do this?

Yes, I'm talking to you, the person who's actually chosen to read about my messed up life. Now... I could keep blaming you about this predicament I've found myself in, or I could actually tell you about it! So here it is.

Once we went our separate ways with crazy Casey, we did about a million miles worth of walking, until we came across a broken part of the forest.

Now, I know what you're thinking, 'how can a forest be broken?' Well, it just can! Ok? Half of it was torn down by some other Pokemon, looking for tree sap, making it seem like a mess. However, by the end, we found out that it was those losers 'Team Rocket' who had gone and messed with nature. Causing the 'balance of harmony' or whatever you want to call it, to become unbalanced. Oh, I don't know what I'm saying about all of this 'balanced' and 'unbalanced' stuff! 

Basically, Team Rocket messed everything up, so we fixed it. Nothing new there right?

However, by the end of it, one of the Pokemon Ash befriended, wanted to join us on our journey; now we have a tree sapping Heracross on our team... yay?

Right, next story (yes

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Right, next story (yes... a lot has happened!) we came across a young(ish) Donphan in, you guessed it, the forest!

I mean seriously! Is the world half forest or something? I guess that's probably said to be a good thing, but is it too much to ask that we have a mini-adventure in a city? Or even a town? I would also settle for a tiny village. Just somewhere that isn't surrounded by trees! The only upside is that Brock is an awesome chef! I was stuck eating berries and other fruits I found in the area before I met up with these guys, since I stupidly forgot to stock up on other foods before I left. But now? I'm eating curry's, sandwiches, jelly donuts even. It is incredible.

Anyways, back to our story. 

Brock and Ash were arguing about who should catch the Donphan, Brock stating that because it's young it needs a 'top breeder' to help it grow stronger, I don't really get it either. 

While they were bickering, I took it upon myself to go up to the Donphan, with Eevee by my side, and talked to it. With all their arguing, the poor thing seemed to be getting more and more agitated, so I slowly walked over to it with an Oran berry that I took from my bag.

It was a little reluctant at first, who wouldn't be, but eventually it took the berry and seemed a lot happier for it. Honestly, think about it though. We've always been taught not to take food from strangers, and now here I am, a stranger, offering a young Pokemon food... doesn't exactly look good, does it? Yeah I know, it's different, with it not being human and all, but it's still a weird concept!

Getting back to my little story, the trainer finally arrived with another of her Donphan and accused us of stealing her Pokemon... which we weren't, kind of. I mean, I offered it food but that's because the idiotic duo were scaring the poor thing. I don't have a creepy white van I swear!

After a while, we somehow became friends with the trainer, her name's Rochelle by the way, but soon after meeting Rochelle something weird happened. And I mean, really weird.

Brock's eyes seemed to turn into the shape of hearts!! I didn't even think that was possible? Maybe he has something wrong with him so his eyes can change into the shape of a heart? I guess anything can happen nowadays... learn something new every day.

You won't believe it though, Misty then told me that it happens when he sees a 'pretty girl'. 


Granted I definitely wouldn't want a random guy with heart shaped eyes following me around, but if this his way of saying I'm not pretty? Typical, he was the only one I liked. But that's only because he can cook.

Take notes boys. Girls like guys who cook. 

Urgh I keep going off topic. Back to the story once more!

We soon find out that Rochelle uses her Donphan to search for amberite. Apparently, their big noses are actually good for something. However, just as we were about to see a demonstration of how the Donphan finds the amberite, Team Rocket showed up and stole the young Donphan!

Do these guys ever take a break? Good on them for getting their hours in for work, but they're such a pain!

After a while, we gave up searching solely from the ground, so Brock sent out his Zubat. Still, even Zubat couldn't find them. Yet, Zubat doesn't precisely have eyes, so it wasn't ever going to be perfect anyway. Those three had really outdone themselves this time.

It was time to call in the special forces, yes that's right, more Donphan! Rochelle blew her whistle, and Donphan raced towards us from a range of different directions. They all set out again to try and find their youngest member.

It didn't take long for the Donphan crew to find Team Rocket, and soon enough a battle had begun, and I decided it was my turn to help out, gotta do something to pull my weight.

Team Rocket sent out their Weezing and Arbok, while Rochelle sent out one of her Donphan (shocker), Ash chose Pikachu, and I went with Eevee.

Rochelle took on the Arbok by herself (and by that, I mean her Donphan! Obviously not Rochelle herself). At the same time, Ash and I tag-teamed up to defeat the Weezing. Eevee used a Shadow Ball attack to weaken it and Pikachu finished it off by sending out a Thunderbolt, and pretty soon they were all sent packing.

We finally bid our goodbyes to Rochelle and her Donphan crew and carried on with our journey. 

And so here we are, where the story first began. But instead of telling you this story, I'm going to leave you on the edge of your seats, to find out what happens later on. I mean, who seriously wants to read 3 mini-stories at once? So stay tuned, and I'm sure you'll find out why the hell we're still aimlessly walking through a dark forest... yay. 

I did it! I updated before the week ended! Sorry I haven't updated a lot recently! I've had so much going on! And I'm sorry if this isn't as good as my other chapters, I kind of rushed it a little, so I thought I'd change the style a bit, try and break the fourth wall (and your minds!) and find out what happens XD Thanks for 500 reads though! That's awesome! Let's try and reach 1K as the next goal! Until next time ;)

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