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"Hello, I'm Yoon Jeonghan

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"Hello, I'm Yoon Jeonghan." He said.

"Yoon Yoon on the tune. Coming toward us, let him sit with his desires. Aren't you gonna make a poem about him? Mr. Pun-peo?" Lina came with a crossing hand.

"What is his name?" Jun-seo looked flustered.

"He just said it. Yoon Jeonghan." Lina said and went back to her seat.

The boy named Jeonghan was coming toward us. 

Mine and Jun-seo's seat is side by side but has a little gap to help students walking comfortably. When That boy came in that gap, I saw Jun-seo turned back. Hiding his face from him?

"Is everything alright?" I asked to know what is going on?

"Um. Nothing."

"Do you know him?" I asked.

"Him? No. I don't know him." Jun-seo laughed an awkward laugh.

"So I guess," I went back to my seat. 

Jun-seo's behind seat was empty. Mine as well. Jeonghan went to his behind to sit.

Jun-seo was still looking uncomfortable. I didn't understand what is going on. So I just passed it.

When class was about to end. I can tell end already, cuz professor was setting his things up to leave.

"Are you gonna go home early or late?" Lina asked me.

"I don't know. It's up to what I have to do." I smiled.

"Ae! You understood me?" She asked.

"It's easy if I look at you. Now tell me, what's the favor?" I said.

"It's not a favor in that way."


"You have to go with me to eat." She said with a gummy smile.

"Then sorry," I said and her smile faded.

"Why? why?"

"OK. In one condition."

"What's this?"

"I don't have to pay for my meal," I said and she stopped for a moment then thought and then,


"Good to know," I said and started walking.

"Hey, Jeonghan," Lina said when we were crossing him.

"Hello." He smiled.

"Seems like he is not that moody," Lina whispered in my ear.

"I guessed it a long time ago when I saw him," I said.

"Showing off," Lina said with a disgusted face.

"You two are going to eat somewhere?" He asked.

"Hm. Why? Wanna join?" Lina said.

"Actually, I was also going somewhere to eat. I'd be glad if you join me." He said and me and Lina looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's go then." He waved.

"Wait. Do you know Jun-seo?" I asked with a down voice so that Lina can't hear.

"You may know soon." He smiled and left.

"What did you said to him? About me? What?" Lina asked.

"Haha. Let's go." I said blowing up the matter.


We ate the whole table and insist Lina pay our bill. Even Jeonghan's bill. Poor her. Haha.

What will be this story's update schedule?

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What will be this story's update schedule?

Once a week or  ???

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