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Lina and I went to the room where Jeonghan was sitting earlier

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Lina and I went to the room where Jeonghan was sitting earlier.

"He is not here..." Lina said looking here and there...

"He went outside... after I talked to him," I said and we left the room to search somewhere else.

We came to a small park where was a small lake. After looking for a while, we found him. Sitting alone beside the lake and throwing pebbles towards the water.

"Looks like he is still sad for something." Lina muttered.

"Hm... Let's go." I said and Lina nodded. "Hey! You go first and pretend you don't know anything yet. Just talk with him. Listen, what he says."

Lina nodded and went toward him.

"Hey, Jeonghan!" Lina said and looks like he was shocked surprisingly.

"Hm, hey."

"Let's go pass time with others..."

"Others are free now?"

"I guess so..."

"I don't wanna go now."


"Cuz I don't wanna go."

"Hey!! Come!! You'll feel much better around us."

He just nodded 'no'

"Are you sad for that day...?"

"Why would I...?" Jeonghan scoffed.

"Then let's go... Go...!! Ah... You are so heavy..." Lina said pulling him up. "Get up by yourself...!!?" Lina yelled.

"Hey! Guys! What are you doing?" I joined them and they turned back to look at me.

"Oh! Hey! Eunji. Look he is not standing..." Lina acted like she just saw me.

"Pfft... It's looking like that you are dragging him to murder..." I laughed.

"Leave meee!!" Jeonghan yelled playfully.

"Ayy!!!" We imitated his voice and it was like a mess beside the lake... and we are the ones who made the mess.

"Um... Don't you regret sometimes?" Jeonghan suddenly asked looking at the lake, making me look at him rising my eyebrow. Lina went to call others who are free now.

"What do you mean by that?" I gave him a confused look.

"I mean, don't you sometimes feel sad for something later?

I hummed, "hm..."

"How do you console yourself...?" Jeonghan turned his face to face me. 

"Um... a... well. I'm not sure. But, I think I should forget about that and live peacefully." 

"Good answer... but, if it bothers you all the time, that you have to do something about it?" he asked.

"Then, I'd try to solve that thing..." I said throwing a pebble in the lake slightly.

"Um..." he nodded and threw a pebble too.

"Why? Are you sad for something like this?" I asked standing up and sweeping my hoodie.

"No! Why would I... I'm enjoying my life." Jeonghan said standing up and throwing his arms onto the air.

"Looks like you at least cheered... after a gloomy face of yours," I said.

"Not that big deal..." he smiled and again threw his arms onto the air. "But, I'll enjoy my life more when I'll complete something that I should be mad for." He murmured.

"Um...? Did you say something?" I asked.

"Me?... No!... I'm just enjoying... WOoho...!!" I was looking at him with a confused face then started to laugh. "What? What made you laugh?" He rose his eyebrow.

"That 'WOoho' thing," I said but turned after hearing some other voice.

"Hey, you two!!" Lina yelled from quite far. "Looks like you guys enjoyed the moment when I left..." 

"YES!!" we two yelled from that place.

"Everyone forgets about me..." Lina said with a dramatic vibe with dramatic crying.

"Hey there! two people!! WoOhoO...!!" Suddenly Jihoon came out of Lina's behind.

"Oi! Jihoonie-ssi!!" We yelled.

"We are four here..." Lina glared at Jihoon making us laugh.

"Who cares, if there are 3 people?" Jihoon said and ran away toward us and Lina also. 

"Others are busy, but we got Jihoon free," Lina said.

"That's enough for you though." Jeonghan smirk making Lina burst to make his hair a total mess.

"Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

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