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Hm. Let's go. -_-

Again I came out from my house slowly. Brave tho. *with pride*


With thunder storm and blowing air... And it is passing the side of two of us' hair... The light the night mode and the door opened burst.

And all the eyes of a movie audiences, all gaze fell on us. And we entered the house putting ahead our leg when the light is coming out more for us...

"Pfft, that's why I said they are good for the MC-ing," Seungcheol said laughing.

"Ya! Will you guys pay for the door?" Lina said.

But our coolness increased... Again with all lights, we closed the door. We looked back at them again.

"Someone save me guys...!" Everyone fell laughing.

"They are really so perfect for MC-i--" Jun got cut off as we two jumped on them with cushions from sofa.

The pillow war happened a little... Like...
To be continued...

Then, with so many messy hairs' head is sitting on some Sofa.

"So, the costumes... You have to bring it." Jun said with -_- face.

"How? Are we robots or something?" I also said with -_- face.

"No!" suddenly Jeonghan stood up hitting the table beside him and everyone looked at him in cold faces, kind of pissed faces.
"No costumes..." he looked around. "If you guys wanted us to be MC..." He sat down.

"What a bad idea," Lina murmured.

"Ay!" Jeonghan yelled.

"No, there will be customes." Joshua joined.

"Shut up!"



"Stop!" Suddenly all lights went toward Seungcheol as he stood up. "The decision will be rely on our 'Opinions' that how many people wants the customs and how many don't." Seungcheol said and Joshua smirked at Jeonghan's poker face.

"So... How many wants the customes?" Seungcheol said and everyone raised their hands except for me and Jeonghan.

"And who will make the customes?" Joshua said smiling brightly hoping for the answer what was in his mind.


Everyone pointed at Joshua.

"What?" He looked around and Jeonghan's poker face turned into smirk.

"And... You..." everyone pointed at Jun.

"What?" Jun looked around.

"So, this is the decision. No more arguments. The costumes bringers are Jun & Joshua and the MC-s are Eunji & Jeonghan." as Seungcheol said, Jeonghan stood up.

"Ay!" his reaction made our situation *pfft* 🤣

"Do you think your 'ay!' will work out?" Lina said and everyone laughed out loud.

"Shut up... -_-"


I can't even believe, that my parent didn't say anything to me... Like... What. Seriously?

By the way, now have to sleep early for tomorrow's 'my foot' contest. Not really the name of the contest... I just named it in my way.

OK, have to sleep...


My eyes opened direct at 6:00 am. That disgusting alarm. Guess... also everyone woke up. We have to...


So, this is the place called 'backstage' or waiting room.

"Where's the costumes?!" Jihoon yelled while grabbing a paper with running towards Joshua.

"No worries..." Jun appeared.

"Huh? OK. I guess all is OK." Jihoon left.

"You really brought?!" Jeonghan raised an eyebrow looking at Joshua and Jun.

"Hm..." Those two said with pride.

After a while the costumes... -_- Seriously, I didn't ever saw those unique costumes.

"Extraordinary..." Jeonghan murmured with 'speechless' face.

"So... Unique." same action of mine: 'speechless' face.

"Um... Good I think." Joshua nodded with pride.
So as Jun. 😑

The eyes of the big cat custom's big head: one is on the left side's up side. And another is near to mouth.

The chicken costum: better not say anymore.

"What the..." Jeonghan murmured with disgusted face.

"Now wear..." Jun said.

"Chicken is Jeonghan and the cat is Eunji. Hmm... Good." Joshua said throwing those costumes to the chairs.

"In which shopping mall did you guys went to buy this...?!" I asked out of curiosity looking at those unique costumes.

"Oh! Those? We didn't buy." They said and we got confused.

"Oh! Actually... I have a little cousin. Who had these costumes. He was just gonna throw it away... But I told him, that I'll take these..." Jun said.

"And the eyes were slipping, so we just fixed it." Joshua said taking the costumes and showed the eyes but one eye fell on the floor.
"Oh! We need to fix it like this way." he said fixing the eye but it again fell on the floor.

"Maybe... The costumes will be more unique with one eye. So... Here." Jun said giving the costumes to us... To our speechless face.

"Yeah, it'll be more unique..." Joshua smiled and pulled Jun murmuring, "Let's get out of here before something happens."


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Joshua be like: I won't make any costumes

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Joshua be like: I won't make any costumes...!!?!

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