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"Nothing happened

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"Nothing happened..."  I just murmured to myself going toward the exit earlier than him.

I just came to my house. There is no one in the house. I came near my father's room. It's locked. It's normal to find this room locked. But, why doesn't he go out of the house for the murder plan? That would be safe for him I guess. But, it's good that I got to know about it cuz he stays at the house at night.

I put my bag on my table and went toward mom's room. It's not locked.

Again I opened the wardrobe to see such things like I got the letter from this wardrobe. I found some pictures. A baby is sitting in the middle of his/her parents. 

"Maybe this baby is mom. who knows..." I sighed putting the picture in its position back.

I laid down on my bed scrolling my phone waiting for no one. It's quite enjoyable when you stay home alone for some hours.

While opening my bag, I realize I have Jeonghan's book. He doesn't know? even now? 


"You are saying that your father is a murderer?!!" I saw father is standing and the other side,

"It's clear Eunji. It's clear!" Lina screeched.

"What is clear?!" I shouted back.

"That- that-!" Lina just pointed at my father who was coming toward me with a knife.

"You know all... He is gonna die..." And Jeonghan was standing at the back...

"What was that...?" I saw it's almost 2:30 am after waking up from the nightmare. "So, I fell asleep after just laying down on my bed?" 

It is midnight, but the outside, it's quite noisy. I heard many people's ruction. So, I moved near the window to peep notably as far as I can.

It's looking like a gathering like someone just had an accident. I decided to go out and look for the root cause of this noise.

"What happened can Anyone tell me?", "Why everyone is here at this midnight?", "Hey! Stop the noise!!" I found many talking people while going near the gathering. As near as I go, I learned many things.

"He used to live here maybe.", "Omo, look at the injuries... It's scary!", "Who wastes their time for this? Just go back..."

When I went to the front, a car is like crashed with this nearby tree. The tree and the car both are looking terrific. A man is in the driver's seat, collapsed... or dead maybe. The blood is dripping from his head.

I was seeing everything normally until I saw my mom looking at me. I felt dumbfounded. OK. I was going toward her but she came by herself toward me.

"Why you are here?" She asked directly after coming to me.

"Um... I woke up hearing these noises... so..." I said.

"You know who? You don't know?" She asked pointing toward the injured man. I looked at that and then looked at her.

I went toward the car again but now I realize. It's my father! What kind of nightmare is this? I remembered the dream I had a minute ago. 'You know all... He is gonna die...' These words went through my head.

I suddenly turned my back at the people saying many words about the situation. Most are little kids...

"Kids... Please go home. There is nothing to watch here. Go home and sleep well." I spoke to the curious kids who were being pulled by their parents to go home.

After a little time, the place went silent and almost empty. Just my mom and me and some people to do something for the accident.

While they are doing their job, "What more? Go home. We will see it." Mom said and I returned home.

" Mom said and I returned home

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