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"But, what do we have to do?" Joshua said.

"Nothing... Just spend this week with Friends." Lina said.

"I think it will be nice then..." Jun said and we nodded.

"Of course it will be nice..." Lina said.

"Here I am..." Jihoon came.

"Get out..." Lina said.

"No...No... what are you saying? How can you rejected him?" Seungcheol said and earned a glare from Lina.

"All of you started?" Lina yelled and everyone laughed.

"Jihoon? Who are these other 2?" Joshua said trying to look behind Jihoon.

"Oh," Jihoon said and moved aside to show them. "These are Jun-seo and Soonyoung and his Friend Seokmin and Minghao," Jihoon said.

"Did you tell them?" I said.

"I had to," Jihoon said. "When I was coming this way, Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Minghao saw me," Jihoon said.

"Then you will pay for pizza for them," Lina said.

"Pizza?!!" Dokyeom yelled. "I'm pizza Boi~~!!"

"You are pizza boy?" The rest of them said thinking that he delivers pizza.

"Yes~~ Pizzza Boiii~~," Dokyeom said thinking they said it.

"He doesn't deliver pizza. He just likes pizza." Jihoon said in a straight face

"Oh! I was hoping he'd bring us pizza for free." I said and everyone laughed.

"Me too," Everyone said.

"By the way, I'm not paying," Lina said.

"Then who?" 

"There is someone else who has to pay," Lina said and everyone looked at each other.


"Jeonghan." Lina pointed him out.

"Ay~~ Why me?" Jeonghan said.

"Ay~~ Yes you," Lina said imitating him and everyone laughed and made fun of that 'Ay~~' thing.

Suddenly Jungkook entered.

"Late Late Late!!!!!" Everyone yelled.

"Did you bring someone too?" Joshua said.

"Yes, Taehy--" Jungkook said and someone peeked behind Jungkook.

"Hi, Im Taehyung." he pushed Jungkook away just to say 'hi'.

"Jeonghan..." Lina smirked at Jeonghan.

"I'm not going to--" Jeonghan got cut off and "Oh! Taehyung! Hi there!!" Joshua cheered.

"Hi!" Then the 'Hi Hello' started.

"I'm not gonna pay," Jeonghan said nagging and everyone started to give opinions about who will pay and it turned out like a mess.

"Stop! Everyone." Lina said and everyone continued themselves. "STOP! EVERYONE!!" This time everyone looked at her.

"I guess she has short temper..." Soonyoung murmured and Lina glared at him.

"Everyone in here is the same. Totally same!" Lina said.

"So?" Soonyoung said and again earned a glare.

"Then a new member of this fun week will pay," Lina said and the new members looked at each other.

"I'm not paying." 4 of them said.

"Then let's see when the week ends." Then Lina described the whole thing and who didn't listen they nodded 'o'

"So the stalking students were you guys?" Taehyung said.

"Yo! Yes." We cheered and he nodded in disbelief.

"Can everyone describe themself? I don't know you guys well." Jun said and everyone talked that how talented they are. Minghao showed that he can do martial art also from China like Jun. Soonyoung's Tiger topic while Jihoon and Minghao keep denying and Jihoon gets annoyed with Soonyoung when he wants to hug. Dokyeom's vocal made everyone close their ears and everyone's other weird talents.

Everyone was talking laughing all along having fun as usual...*-*

"What happened to Jun-seo?" I asked Lina.

"Please not again!" Lina said.

"No, I mean he is not talking. Sitting there like he is afraid or something happened to him. Is he sick even now?" I said.

"Don't know. Go ask him." Lina said.

"Hm." I hummed and went to him. "What happened? why aren't you talking?" 

"Nothing. I'm just feeling sick I think." He said.

"Something needed?"

"No," He just gave a weak smile and I came to my place while confused that things seem weird.

"Did he tell you something?" Lina asked when I sat down beside her.

"He thinks he is feeling sick," I said.

"Anyway, he will be okay in a few days," Lina said and continued to talk with others.

"Hey, why you two are sitting? Come join us telling horror stories like kids pfft!!" They called me and Jun-seo to join them and we joined.

"Hey, why you two are sitting? Come join us telling horror stories like kids pfft!!" They called me and Jun-seo to join them and we joined

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Yo! little legs

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Yo! little legs...

I didn't want to write these days so..... late update...

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