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"O-oh! Alright!" He said and again laid down

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"O-oh! Alright!" He said and again laid down.


"Jeonghan! wake up from here!" Lina said and everyone pulled him up and threw him to the mattress. But, he is still sleeping...

"Ah! We're tired and also we had to pull him... so heavy!" Joshua said sweeping off his hand.



"Guys! any news?" Lina asked when we sat at the dining table and Jeonghan is sleeping -_-

"As always one person..." Jihoon said.

"Oh! Eunji... Won't your parents snub you again? That you are here?" Jihoon asked.

"I don't think so," I answered.

"Oh, then OK," Lina said standing up. "Let's sleep now, guys! It's almost 1 am. I'm tired." we all nodded as we stood up.

But again we saw Jeonghan who is sleeping peacefully. "And Jeonghan is sleeping for hours already..." Jihoon said making a disgusted face.

"Ah!" everyone sighed as we approached Jeonghan.

"Move him," I said.

"Yes, move him to that side," Jihoon said.

"Who is sleeping this side?" Joshua asked.

"You..." Soonyoung said.

"No, I can't sleep on that side," Joshua said and everyone was giving their opinion. But, it turned into a mess on them except for Me, Lina, and Jeonghan. Oh, he is sleeping. How can he start a mess? Maybe in his dream...

"Please! stop!" Lina and I yelled. "You! sleep on that side. You! this side! no arguments...!!!" Lina yelled as they stopped, and went to the sides where they are told to go.

"Good job!" I raise my thumb.

"Now, at this mattress you!" Lina pointed out to me.

"Now, these girls are gonna have a good side where they can peacefully sleep..." Soonyoung made a disappointed face.

Lina switched off the light as we all laid on the mattress. In one big mattress, Jeonghan, Joshua, Soonyoung, Jihoon is sleeping, and on another side in a small mattress Lina and me.

After some talking... we all fell asleep at like 2:30 pm.


"You burned it?!!" I woke up hearing yelling. "You really burned it up...!!!" I saw Lina is yelling from the kitchen.

"Um? Everyone woke up?" I asked.

"Except for you two..." Lina said and I saw Jeonghan is still asleep. Ah!

"See, is he alive or dead. If dead then we don't have to make breakfast for him. if alive, tell him to make his own breakfast!!" Lina shouted from the kitchen.

I went near him and heard him snoring... -_-

"Oh! don't go! he is drooling. Already Soonyoung struggled with his drooling and went back home to take a bath." Lina said quite laughing, but the laugh ended after Jihoon gave her a plate of something black.

"Why there is a smell like this?" I asked trying to smell more.

"He burned it up." Lina showed the plate that Jihoon gave her.

"It's not my fault... it's her's. She was nagging and yelling too much." Jihoon said.

"I was nagging and yelling too much?? it was you who was nagging and yelling too much!!!" Lina yelled.


then again the mess started between them...

"Why there is so much noise?" a murmuring came from Jeonghan's mouth.

"Wake up! wake up!" I said pulling his blanket harshly thinking how can a person sleep this much?

"Ay!~ Why?" He said grabbing the blanket back.

"Wake up!" again I pulled the blanket.

While pulling... we heard a noise from the kitchen. I and Jeonghan looked there stopping pulling the blanket.

"Ah!" Jihoon's voice came from the kitchen.

"What happened?" I and Jeonghan ran up to there to see what happened.

As we go there, we saw... a frying pan flipped and the chop of the meat what is black now fell on the floor, a pot of boiling water is boiling in 100+ degrees and the lid on it is jumping... and Lina and Jihoon are yelling while trying to grabbing those messy things and failed and also fell...

And at this side we are seeing these messes, standing...

And this is the starting of day 6...

"The whole kitchen burned up..." Lina said sitting on the dining table.

"Just for you." Jihoon pointed at her.

"STOP IT!!" I yelled and also Jeonghan with 'ay~' voice, fed up with them. As we yelled Jihoon and Lina looked scared.

"Guys, I brought Mingyu..." Joshua said after entering the house with another person with a large body.

"So... um... This is the kitchen, you told about?" Mingyu asked Joshua with a poker face after seeing the hilarious messy kitchen.

"Um... Maybe..." Joshua gave him a nervous laugh as Mingyu is still standing blank seeing the kitchen.

"All fault is Lina's" Jihoon murmured and earned a glare from Jeonghan.

"OK, OK. I did something really bad that this sleepy head is glaring at me." Jihoon said as we started to move.

" Jihoon said as we started to move

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