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After reaching College,

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After reaching College,

As usual, I sat down. In my hand was Jeonghan's book. I looked at his seat. He hasn't come yet.

"How are you feeling after coming to 'Night College'?" Suddenly Jihoon popped out of nowhere.

"Maybe good..." I said. "Um um... Wait- Lina didn't come?" I asked and Jihoon looked around.

"Maybe no. But, what's this in your hand?" He asked almost taking the book from my hand.

"A-ah! Just our textbook." I said putting it in my bag and he nodded blankly.

"Hey!" Lina came.

"Hi!" Everyone was talking about something and I'm waiting for my real book to come to me.

"When is he coming. Ah- or he won't come?" I just waited and waited but it felt like he will take forever to come.

"Someone had an accident last night."  Someone crossed me telling this to one of her friends.

"Yeah, I heard, he used to murder people." another person said and I looked at them.

"Yeah. How scary! It's good that he died or else we don't know how many people would've been dead by now for him." She said and another one nodded.

"Hey! Professor is coming!" Everyone started to sit on their seats as Professor came in, with him also Jeonghan came in.

I can see Jun-seo also came today.

When Professor left the class for something and we are just waiting for another lesson later, I saw Jeonghan leaving the classroom.

He didn't put my book on his desk. If I touch his bag and suddenly if he comes and sees it, it would be embarrassing.

As I wanted to follow him for some reason, that time Professor came back.

The lesson is continuing...
"Eunji!" suddenly Professor called my name and I looked at him.

"What are you thinking all along? Answer this..." he said writing something on board.

"I can't answer," I said and all students looked at me. I know it's quite embarrassing. What else can I do? While I really don't know the answer of the question❓

"Ah! Leave the class then." He said and I sighed. Cuz, it's the first time for me to leave the class like this.

While standing outside, I was thinking why I'm standing here?

So, I didn't continue the 'standing time'.

I was just walking by the corridor. But unexpectedly I saw some blood in the door.
Blood or something else?

'Should I go there?' I thought. It's just an empty room with some stored things. Can say storeroom.

As I faced the room, I saw someone unconscious laying down beside the locker. And the blood is dripping slowly from the body.

And Someone standing beside the window holding a knife that has dripping blood too.

I was like I choked on air. Maybe, I made a sound and he started to turn his face.

When he looked at me. I moved a little in a gasp.

It was Jeonghan!

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I whispered.

Now he fully turned his body.

"OK. Now you are gonna report me. Right?" he spoke.

I didn't say anything like what is happening these days. Odd!

"Don't worry, I just killed those who are messing around with people's life. They didn't know how it feels until they ended up like this." He pointed at the dead body with the knife that he was holding.

"Messing with people's lives?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah. Remember. When I asked you if you have any regret... and I said, 'I'll enjoy my life more when I'll complete something that I should be mad for.' But you didn't seem to hear it.

He said and I remembered once he asked me, "Don't you regret sometimes?"

"Year ago, some people came and just killed my family. They destroyed my family and still do not regretting. They are just continuing to kill people who don't even deserve to die like that. They are about to be destroyed soon... Like the way they killed others." He said looking outside the window and I just listened.

"You are sad. Right?"


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