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"So... it was tasty..." After cleaning, Mingyu cooked and now we are finished eating...

"OK, then... we are going..." The others left except for we 4. It's also almost noon now.

"Tomorrow is the contest," Lina said jumping on the sofa with her laptop.

"yes," Jeonghan said as we went toward Lina hoping for a movie on Netflix.

"Can anyone plug the charger? after that, let's watch a movie. The laptop is almost dead." Lina said and I came up with a charger. We were like: can't wait...

So, they snatched the charger from my hand and tried to plug it.

"It's not charging," Lina said seeing the screen of the laptop.

"Now?" Jeonghan asked hoping for a 'yes'




"And... Now?"

"No as well."

"Ah!!!!~" Jeonghan yelled and tried again.

"Hurry! The laptop is dying." Jihoon and Lina yelled. But, looks like the laptop is dying because of us. We are insisting the laptop to charge, or else shoot!!

"No, No, NO!NO!" We were shouting but the laptop said a 'bye-bye' before turning black. No, it didn't burn cuz it's not food. It's out of CHARGE!!

"Ah!" We all sat down in disappointment.

"No... Movie." Jihoon sounded whining.

And that time someone ran up to Lina's house.

"So, Who will be the MC?" Seungcheol came up to us where we were all laying on the sofa.

"I guess, it should be Jeonghan and Eunji." Suddenly Jun came up.

"Why us?" me and Jeonghan got up after hearing the name of us.

"Cuz, I guess you 2 can do better," Jun said and giggled.

"Why? No... I'm not good at it." I said.

"She is good at it. So, give her only..." Jeonghan said and earned a glare from me.

"So, I think... You two are better for this." Seungcheol said making our face poker.

"Agreed!" Lina raised her hand from behind us.

"Why?... No... mm..." Our nagging started.

"Kids! Let's go eat!" Seungcheol said blowing our nagging part.

"Who's kids here? Old man..." Jihoon suddenly came.

"I'm not old. You shut up!" As he yelled we started to laugh.


While walking in the street, I suddenly remembered that we almost forgot Jun-seo. "What happened to him?" I said thinking deeply myself.

Suddenly I got a thought of going there and check. So, I turned back and started to walk toward Jun-seo's house.

As I can see the gate of his house, I also saw someone standing in front of his house. Black outfit.

I went closer to see who is it. Maybe, Jun-seo.

"Oh! Jun-seo!!" I said after realizing that person was him... But he was startled.

"O-oh! Y-you. hey!" He said looking nervous.

"What? Did you saw the msg? the contest?" I asked.

"Um... yes." 

"I think you should be an MC," I said.

"Um... I'm not good..." He said scratching his neck.

"Why didn't you join us? We had so much fun together. If you were there, it'll be more fun..." I said.

"Oh... OK. I was just a little sick, I think." Jun-seo said.

"OK, get well and join us. You will surely have fun. And also come to the contest..." I said and Jun-seo nodded before running back to his home. And I was thinking, "what happened, who knows!"


totally it's late for me to go home at this time. Suddenly I felt like, this is 'The hardest mission ever'... To go back home.

I opened the door slowly as it was open. I saw no one in the living room. So, I quickly ran silently to my room.

As I closed the door of my room, my phone vibrated...




you are the MC!
Also Jeonghan... 🤣🤣


Yeah! 😂 and don't forget to bring chicken and cat customs...

What's with those customs? and who told you that we are MC?

Tell you later... B-bay Bye! Oh! Professor told us. BYE.

Hey! Wait!

What? I'm watching a movie with others don't disturb me... This is the best part of the movie... He is gonna DIE!! BYE!!

০_০ WHAT the...
Who are the 'others'?

Who came to my house... Ohho! Nooooooo! I just missed the best part... He DIED before I saw the part...!!!


What!? Oh! OK. Enjoy. Oh! I don't know what are you enjoying... Tho. Anyway... Bye.

Another notification from Jeonghan...

Jeonghan being Hannie



I can't believe.

Me too.

Let's go, let's bind them.
They are watching movie without us...! --__--

Hm. Let's go. -_-


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