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"You are sad

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"You are sad. Right?" He suddenly asked.

"Um... Why?"

"Cuz, your father died(?)" He said turning at me again and I looked at him.

"Yeah. I mean, no." I said.

"No? Why?" He looked surprised.

"I think, it's better that he died. Sorry to say, he was a murderer." I directly said.

"So you know... That he used to kill people. I thought you don't. So, I'd spill it." he said.

"You knew too..." I just spoke the sentence like I know already.

"Yeah." He said.
"I know... That's why I wanted to say something to console you. But, you already know. That day, when we 3 were at your home. You, me, and Lina. You know I was talking with your father. But, you don't know what I was talking about."


"Why you are here?" said Eunji's stepfather to Jeonghan.

"It's your home. Maybe that's why." Jeonghan.

"Don't dare to do anything about the past. Cuz, you know you can't do anything. You are their son. Just stay back. Doing anything stupid won't work on me. Just you will lose your life."

"OK. Let's see." Jeonghan said and he chuckled.

Flashback ended

"So... He threatened you?" I asked.

"Hm. Seems like that. I didn't care, you know(?) Cuz, I already had a plan." Jeonghan replied.

"Plan? About How to kill him?"

"Mm. That day, I interrupted his driving. Nothing else I could do. He was in a plan to kill many." Jeonghan looked at my confused yet concerned face.



"Nothing. Just feeling like it's crazy." I said.
"But how do you know the address of other killers and other info?"

"Luckily, I got some... That's why." He said putting out something like a paper and held toward me.

"What's this?" I took the paper. It has each person's name plus other informations.
After reading the last name on the list, I was shocked again.

"J-Jun-seo?" I looked at Jeonghan.

"Oh. Yes. When I picked these informations, he was on the list too. It's surprising for you guys, I know. But, it's true." He said.

"Are you gonna kill him too?"

"I need to talk to him first, I guess," he said. "Didn't you notice it? When I'm around him, he looks timid?" Jeonghan asked and I nodded remembering the first day Jeonghan came and how Jun-seo was feeling unwell.

"But, how can he relate to these types of cases?"

"As he is related." Jeonghan gestured he doesn't know.
"First day when you asked me if I know him or not I said, you will know later. Now, you know."

"Hmm..." I nodded. "Jun-seo missed many classes after you came to this College. He was afraid that something might happen to him?"

"Hm..." Jeonghan nodded bending down to the dead body and rubbed the knife with the dead person's shirt to clean it.
"Let's leave. Before someone sees us."

"Hm. Let's go." I said peeking outside of the room. Normally, it's clear as usual. No one is here. But, have to go cuz Professor might come here since I got punishment and didn't stand there outside the classroom.

"Take it." I gave the paper back to him and we left the room.

"First day, I was pretty sure that you are very detailed person. You find everything about a thing, Right?" Jeonghan suddenly spoke while walking toward the classroom.

"I think so."


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