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After all, we headed back to our home

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After all, we headed back to our home. 

Now, I have to enter my house through the window too. Ah!!!

It's almost 1 am. I jump through the wall and then entered my room after struggling. I went out of my room to see what is happening knowing that 'everyone is sleeping'. I looked at my father's room. It is lighting cuz he is awake.

I went closer to see and hear. Is there any phone call conversation going...?

"Our plan got canceled. Our leader died last night." Father said and I almost got a bump in my memory trying to remember that, what Mingyu said earlier..."Do you guys know yesterday night the mafia gang's leader died?"

All things went messy that time I tried to hear the conversation again.

"No, someone just killed him." my father said.

"What? How could that be possible?!" another person on phone said.

"I don't know..." my father said.

I was feeling like 'What's going on?'

That time I made a little sound.

"Wait!! Someone is there!!" my father said and I quickly entered my room switched off the light and jump on my bed.

I was sighing frequently... That time someone opened my room's door.

"Finally, slept early today." Father's voice came out. After that, I heard that door closed.

I turned myself straight facing the ceiling and thinking with my arm under my head.

"No, what else my father is, he can't be in that gang. That's fake. All fake." I said to myself and tried to sleep...

But it's 4 am now. I can't sleep.
4:30 am now...
5 am...

I got up and sat down on my bed. I started to walk. Checking HWs and what I have to do today.

Finally, I got ready for College and went there with sleepy eyes and a little headache but not a big deal.

"Hey!! Hey!! Sis! What's up?... Today is the last day before vacation." Lina cheered when I put my bag on my desk.

"And the thing is........... JUN-SEO CAME TODAY!!" Lina said like she is announcing something.

"Ah!" I sighed. "Who knows how many life partners are you going to have," I said and Lina gave me a death glare.

"Feeling better bro??" I said crossing Lina to go towards Jun-seo.

"Much better... Bet you all are better..." Jun-seo smiled and I nodded with yawning.

"Guess you didn't sleep at night..." Lina said with an 'investigating' look.

"Hm... Right." I nodded.

"See? I guessed it perfectly." Lina said and I saw Jeonghan is behind her. I guess he is going to scare her.

My guess was right when he gave a silent 'shhh' look with placing his index finger in his mouth and I nodded.

"Ay!?!?" Jeonghan yelled with his iconic 'ay' voice and Lina got scared like someone is holding a knife to kill her.

"Ah!?!" Lina yelled at Jeonghan and he laughed evilly.

"Why I'm your specific target?!! I was talking with Eunji peacefully and... And... You. Ah!!" Lina yelled again.

"See?!? I'm so good at scaring someone. Even Jun-seo got scared." Jeonghan said.

We all looked at Jun-seo...
"Um... A... I'm going to the restroom." Jun-seo said and left the classroom.

And we looked at each other.

"What happened to him?" Jeonghan asked.

"Don't know... I think he is not feeling well. He had fever some days." Lina said.

"Oh..." Jeonghan nodded. "Eunji was right." He sighed. "Who knows how many life partners are you going to take," Jeonghan said.

"What's wrong with you guys?!! Am I the only target of you??!!" Lina yelled and Jeonghan laughed looking at me.

I suspect Jeonghan for that murder case. He left earlier and gave his duty to Jising and then... Jising died...

But, I shouldn't judge him for this... He doesn't look like a killer though...
He is a College student by the way  -_-

He is a College student by the way  -_-

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I didn't update for 2 days...

Anyway, Thanks to all who are reading...

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