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"I told you guys to come to my office yesterday

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"I told you guys to come to my office yesterday. But you didn't come." Professor said after coming into the class and we took a glance at each other while laughing silently.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Jun-seo asked and we feel like we are gonna burst out into laughter.

"Last night again some students came," Professor said and now the whole class started to laugh silently.

"Are you guys playing hide and seek with me?" Professor said.

"He can't guess that, it is us..." Wonwoo whispered from his seat and we laughed again.

"If you guys don't come to my office today, then I'll see you later," Professor said when leaving the class.

"He'll always see...haha but can't do anything. This matter is so funny. Haha." All students started to laugh loudly as Professor left.

"What happened? Can you guys tell me? Seems like you got so many new friends." Jun-seo said.

"Long story! By the way, are you Okey now?" Lina said to Jun-seo and Jeonghan came to me and leaned on my ear.

"Did you see? haha... So lovely... Aw..." Jeonghan whispered in my ear and started to act.

"Haha... of coUrse... Lovely..." I said and also acting and started to make jokes about it.

"You! You two. Please stop this or else I'll burn you!!" Lina threatened us and we looked at her innocently then started to laugh.

"You cAn'T!" Jeonghan said.

"Hey! Did you guys forget me?" Jun-seo said.

"Of course not! But someone special is always remembering you." Jeonghan said and again Jun-seo looked uncomfortable.

"What now?" I said.

"I'm going to the restroom," Jun-seo said and again ran toward the restroom again.

"Does he have diarrhea?" Jeonghan said and we *pfff*

"Maybe..." Jihoon said.

"Then we shouldn't laugh," Wonwoo said.

"I'm just laughing that we're saying something to him and he is running to the restroom. Again we're saying something to him, he is running to the restroom." Jeonghan said.

"I guess he is shy cuz he likes her," I said and Lina hit her forehead with her palm. Life is sorrowful, and you have to admit it...

In the College's beside Lab,

"Here we are... Um... But where is Jihoon?" Lina said.

"He is always late. Maybe, he went to his home forgetting about this place or he just fell into the drain." Jeonghan said.

"Not only him. Mingyu and Jungkook are not here as well." Jun said.

"Mingyu is Junior. So, I think he has to do something. That's why he is late and I don't know about the other two cuz I don't know about them very well." Wonwoo said and we all looked at him surprisingly.

"He is Junior?" Joshua said and Wonwoo nodded.

"He's so taLL..." Seungcheol said.

"Yeah, that's why his head always got cut in photos," Wonwoo said and we laughed.

"Does he know Jungkook?" Jun said.

"I don't know. Why?" Wonwoo said.

"He is also Junior," Seungcheol said and now we all looked at him surprisingly and Seungcheol nodded in advance.

"I thought he is in the same age as us," Lina said.

"Me too," I said.

"Me too as well," Jeonghan said.

"And me too," Wonwoo said.

"Haha... This is the thing that we didn't tell you guys." Joshua said and Seungcheol and Jun nodded with him.

"I don't think he knows him cuz when he met us he didn't tell anything," Wonwoo said.

"Ah! Ah! Guys!! Why didn't you tell me!?? That this place is here? I ran so much. I'm so tired..." Suddenly a mountain stood in front of us and expected sorry from us.


"Here you are. So late..." Lina said.

"Ay!! Don't open the door this way... You'll burst it." Jeonghan yelled at Mingyu with 'Ay~~'

"Who told you to run? It's not our fault..." Seungcheol said.

"Move. I'm sitting." Mingyu said and sat beside Seungcheol glaring at him.

"So... the others?" Joshua said.

"Who knows..."

"By the way, let's start what you were going to say," Joshua said.

"Um... OK." Lina cleared her throat and we were looking at her like she is a celebrity. "We are going to take this vacation as a... FRIEND'S WEEK..." Lina cheered but our interest got lost and we started to yawn.

"Guys?... What happened?" Lina said but we are still yawning. "Then, after this Week... we'll have a PIZZA PARTY...!!" Lina again cheered and we got our interest back.


My story's some word didn't save so I had to write it again

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My story's some word didn't save so I had to write it again... 

By the way, I hope you guys are having a Good night/day...

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