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"Ah! I don't know! It's confusing! Let's go

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"Ah! I don't know! It's confusing! Let's go...!!" Lina said.

We sat down in the seats of the audience. 

"It's always confusing..." Jihoon said to Lina. "Especially for you." 

"Offf... again! Shut up and sit down!" Lina said to Jihoon sitting beside me.

After a while when the MCs came and we got surprised for the MC-ing.

"So... that wasn't their murder plan. It was part of the script written by whoever." Joshua said nodding. 

The audience appreciate the Mc-ing since it was quite funny. After that, the main part of the contest was going to be started.

"So... we thought what and happened wha--" Jihoon got cut due to the situation. The stage light was disturbing us for on-off.

"What happened?" Everyone got confused as the light went off for a while and again it went on.

As it went on, a dead body just fell on the stage and the people screamed. We didn't know what happened, we were just trying to peek to see the stage since it went crowded and we sat on the last side for being late.

The whole place got messed up.

We came near to the waiting room with some people. "Where is Jeonghan?" Seungcheol asked as we looked around only to see, he is not here.

No one's POV

Jeonghan came outside the hall and saw some people's gathering. Not so many people. Just can say a group of some people. Jeonghan rushed to them...

"It was you! You did it. Didn't you?" He said to them.

"Oh! Look! Our special guest has arrived..." One of them said and others looked at Jeonghan.

"Long time no see..." They laughed.

"You guys still doing something like this?" he said.

"Aa...! Looks like our long time no see friend is mad with us!" They again laughed.

"Police is our friend now. It won't work on us!" One of them said and chuckled.

"Listen, boy... You lost your family... Do you wanna lose your friends? or YOURSELF?!" They patted his shoulder laughing, leaving that place.

"Good luck on your dead contest...!" One of them said laughing and Jeonghan didn't say anything, just stayed quiet making a thighed fist.


"Hey! Where did you suddenly lose?" Jihoon asked Jeonghan when he wentl to them.

"What happened?" 

"Nothing... I'm going to the restroom." He said and stood up to go to the restroom. "And you guys leave if it's finished... don't wait for me!" he said and went away.

And others just looked at each other...

"Sorry, students... something unexpected happened. So... you know. It's finished here today as it's impossible to continue." A man said and ran to somewhere else.

The others prepared to leave. 

"Eunji(?)" Lina called Eunji when she was thinking something deeply.

"Hm?" Eunji hummed getting distracted for Lina.

"What happened?" Lina asked.


"You a--" Lina to cut by Jihoon.

"Aren't you leaving? Or waiting for him?" Jihoon asked.

"He said not to wait for him. So, let's go." They all exited the hall as everyone left.

Eunji looked back at the hall when they are already coming far from the hall. "Strange..."


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