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Not only the stomach, mouth as well

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Not only the stomach, mouth as well.

Everyone was just in shock. But we quickly lifted him up. But, we all were sure, he is not gonna live anymore. It was looking like, someone just smashed his body in some minutes. 

"What just happened?" One of us asked.

"Idk. Who was last in the class to leave?"

"Then he is the main culprit." Someone said and all looked at him.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"Then who is this to kill him?...wait, are you? the culprit?" He asked.

"Yes, I saw her leaving the class last. But she didn't leave the class properly. So, she is." 

"How can you all be so sure without a single proof?" I said.

"What happened?" Suddenly Lina said and when she saw the dead body, she froze.

"Now, here she comes. I have suspect in both of you since you two are very good friends." 

"Then let's check CCTV," I said.

"Huh? Now trying to save yourself?" Someone said and Lina grabbed my hand and dragged me into the CCTV office.

Everyone also came. But I can surely tell that our unity is not good. I don't know, why they are like this. We are in the same class but look what's happening. Someone killed someone, then students are dragging me and Lina into the culprit matter. 

"And then if it's not you two, it's Jun-seo." Someone said.

"He didn't even come to college today," Lina said.

"So what? maybe it was a plan of you 3's that he won't come today and then come to kill him."

"I don't know, why our class's students have a child's head, I think a child also has a good sense of understanding, like how to figure out the matter well," I said in a calm and gentle voice since I'm too calm y'all know. Everyone was looking furious but I still don't care.

But one of them was laughing quietly. Holding his laugh back.

"You're in this class too." 

"Oh! Sorry. Don't drag me into this childish group, I'm already in culprit matter due to this group." I said and again all went furious but that boy was laughing. I don't think he is like this group.

"Sorry students, today I've already closed the office." The office man said.

"But we need to find out." 

"I think you have heard that I said that the office is already closed." He said and left.

"How rude."


We, the two, I and Lina, were walking all along.

"I can't believe that our students are like this," Lina said.

"It's not new." We both sighed.

While walking, I saw drops of blood in the street of our college. Lina and me looked at each other.

"I think it's that culprit's knife," Lina said seeing a knife in the street.

"I think so." I agreed.

"Shall we tell them?" Lina asked.

"They must be suspect us again," I said.

"Hm. right." She nodded.

"We can figure it out with fingerprint(?)" I said.

"Seems like idea is good." It's not Lina's voice, it's another person.

But who?

Check out my friend's amazing books Seventeenisum

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Check out my friend's amazing books Seventeenisum

When Blood DripsWhere stories live. Discover now