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After a week

After class ended,

We all were leaving the classroom.

"Jeonghan! Come with us!" Jihoon shouted as Jeonghan was packing up his things. After all, he ran toward us.

"Let's go!"

"OK, bye guys!" Lina bid goodbye as she reached her home.

"Jihoon gonna miss her." I giggled like something very interesting is happening.

"Want some kick?!" they said in unison and confusedly looked at each other.

"They even started to share same brain cells, hahah" Jeonghan laughed.

"Just stop or else I'm gonna kick you!! I'm good at taekwondo." Jihoon yelled and Lina gave up on us and went home.

"Just kick him and then he will end up breaking bones and will sleep all day along in hospital." I chuckled as we started to walk again and Jeonghan glared at me like I wronged a math like 2+3= 6

"Jihoon's house is nearby I guess," Jeonghan said yawning and Jihoon nodded.

No one's POV

After a while,

"Bye guys!" Jihoon went home too.

"Ah- OK then. I enjoyed the days with you guys..." Jeonghan said and Eunji looked at him. Why is he saying it all suddenly?

"Oh Ok-"

"I didn't invite you guys to my house. Ah-"

"So, invite us one day. How about this holiday?" Eunji asked.

"Um... Sounds good..."

"OK, my house is on this side, you know. Gotta go!" Eunji said as she started to walk on her way.

"Um... Eunji!" Jeonghan called her.

"What?" She looked back as she saw he wants to tell something. "Wanna tell something?"

"Um... Ah- no! Go then, I have to go too!" He laughed and she nodded. Something happened?

"OK then... See you tomorrow!" Eunji said and turns her back to continue on her way.

"Tomorrow..." Jeonghan mumbled looking at her going...
"...I wish."

Eunji's POV

Everyone was talking sitting on their seats as Professor didn't come yet. I was just sitting daydreaming something like what if our country breaks into an apocalypse? I will be the main survivor. My dreaming duh!

"Are you Kim Eunji? Lim Lina's friend. Right?" Suddenly someone interrupted my thought.

"Um... Yeah." I nodded.

"OK. Someone gave you something." He handed me a piece of paper.

"Who gave it?" I asked but already he is gone.
"Ah- like he just teleported." I sighed opening the paper.

It was a letter...

'OK, you know as I said, I really enjoyed passing time with you guys and I loved it even when I was very new. When I asked something, you guys gave me that with a friendly smile. I know, it's like a manner. But, I liked it. Haha, you must be wondering now 'what's this?'. Right?

I just couldn't tell you in person. I just somehow felt bad.

Oh- something I forgot to tell. I think your mom told you that you had a best friend. So, you can't remember who's this?
I just wanted to tell you that it's me. Yes, it's me.

When your stepfather came with his team to destroy my family also yours, that time your parents requested your stepmother to take care of you and then you forgot everything somehow and we lost keeping in touch. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before.

And then, somehow I get to know that you are in this College also some murderer. I thought, what a coincidence!

But, anyway, thanks for everything... Even if you forgot some.

When you said 'see you tomorrow'. I just wished it knowing it won't happen.

I think, you already guessed that I'm not in this College anymore. For some personal issues, I have to move.

I'm sorry again.


Your friend

I hurriedly took out my phone to call him.

"The number you dialed, it's Unrecognized number"

I looked at my other friends who also got a letter from him. They are talking about this that why he didn't say earlier.

I tried again to call him. But, the same happened.

I put the letter on my desk and saw something is written on the opposite side.

'Sorry, I've changed my number...'

"Ah-" I sighed. There is nothing else I can do.

I looked at the seat beside mine. A person used to sit here. Now, just a few levels of sunlight is falling on it. 

'He won't return... Somehow Mysterious person.'



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