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Day 4 (Doesn't even going well)

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Day 4 (Doesn't even going well)

I came to the room where everyone gathers. I saw Jeonghan is sitting there with closing his eyes. Fell asleep?

"Jeonghan(?)" I called him and he moved a bit and looked at me then turned his face to another side. "Look, I don't know why my father did this but at least don't mind... My father is always like this."

"Maybe, you also struggle for your parents..." He said so slowly but I heard it.

"Anyway, let's call others? or do something else like going to an arcade?" I asked.

"No need." He said and stood up to leave the room. What happened to him? Why is he so mad for this? Weird...

I went to Lina's house after seeing Jeonghan left and was not in a mood to talk.

"Is that so?" Lina asked after hearing all.

"Yes. Do you think something different?" I asked.

"I don't know... Jeonghan is behaving like that, Jun-seo is not joining us, every day someone getting killed by someone but who got killed are bad guys and your parents are reacting differently..." Lina sat down on her bed what is full of product stuff for sale.

"And even our college's some student is dead," I said and Lina stood up and looked at me.

"Do you suspect Jeonghan? For this? Remember that day when you saw the first killed person Jising in front of the locker... and Jeonghan told you that he has something to do, so he left early and gave the duty to Jising(?)" She said and I nodded.

"But his attitude doesn't tell this type of thing," I said.

"I know, but now the situation is telling something like that," Lina said with a serious face. "Or else we read so many mystery-thriller books." She said making me laugh.

"Well said," I said.

"Wait, can I give another clue?" Lina asked and I nodded. "When Jungkook was telling that Someone is taking revenge on some bad guys, we were silent but Jeonghan said, 'well said'" Lina's eyes went wide. "I just remembered for you said, 'well said' earlier." She giggled.

"Your brain..." I nodded in disbelief.

"What? My brain?" She asked and gave her a thumbs up and she laughed. "By the way, can you help me doing this?" Lina showed her bed, table, and floor full of things and my face went pale. "Come on! You are Eunji and the name 'Eunji' means Kind, Beautiful, etc." She laughed.

I gave her a 'Ah!...this girl' look and started to help her...

After helping, the room was like sparkling.

"Let's go find Jeonghan," Lina said.

"Don't tell anyone that we are suspecting him," I said and she nodded. "Um... is it good to suspect him for this?" I asked looking at Lina and she blinked twice.

"I don't know but wait for things to discover after some time. It's not our guilt for suspecting someone..." She said and I nodded before leaving her house.

" She said and I nodded before leaving her house

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