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Some days later

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Some days later

"Yo! Guys..." Lina entered the living room, where all of us were on our phones in our own world.
"What happened? All are on phones? Let's go out or do something else!!" Lina cheered but only a few people looked at her.

"I'm not in a mood to go out," Joshua said and bit an apple.

"What the- we were supposed to eat pizza! Remember? After the short vacation..." Lina said and all heads turned at her and all phones slipped into our pockets.

"Yeh! Pizza!"

"Oh! I really forgot!"

"Where's pizza?"

Everyone was like yelling at her.

"Guys, calm down! Pizza is there." Lina pointed to the kitchen counter and in one blink everyone was there except for Lina. I guess she can't move this fast.

"Everyone ran to it like they just teleported!" Lina sighed coming to us.

"Wait- where is Jeonghan?" Jihoon said with a full mouth of pizza.
"Where is Jun-seo?"

"Duh! These guys..."

"Maybe again sleeping," I said and they chuckled.

"Guys! Leave some pizza for me!!" Suddenly Jeonghan came running toward the pizza.

"Where're others?" Lina asked.

"Jun-seo is coming," Jeonghan said already putting some pizza in his mouth.

"All cleared?" I asked taking a slice and Jeonghan nodded.

"By the way, looks like the murderers have calmed down after a long-term killing. Right?" Lina said and Jeonghan blinked twice while eating.

"Hm-" I just nodded.

"Ah- they are so lazy!" Lina exclaimed.

"Guys, I'm here." Suddenly a voice spoke and made all of us turn in that direction with pizzas on our hands.

"Jun-seo! After a long time you joined us." Soonyoung said as he came toward us.

"Have some." soon pizza started to finish and our stomachs started to fill up.

"They won't have pizzas," Lina said.

"Who?" Jeonghan asked.

"That 3 people! Sangwan, Hansol, Chan!"

"They are coming too?!" I asked.

"Ofc! But maybe a late or something came up to them." Lina said.

"Excuse me! My name is Seungkwan, miss..." Suddenly Boo came with two other people.

"Oh, yeah. Seungkwan. Hm. I knew, I just joked." Lina said and everyone chuckled.

"Let's go out after eating."

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