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"Hey, why don't we go to your house?" Suddenly everyone cheered pointing at me

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"Hey, why don't we go to your house?" Suddenly everyone cheered pointing at me.

"Um... um. My house? My house is nothing special." I said nervously.

"Noooo... we will go," Jihoon said. "Hey! Is your house also messy?"

"No. Ah! OK. You guys will go." I said seeing them yelling like they are kids and the teacher said 'yes' to something that they want.

"Oh! I just remembered that I and Mingyu have to do the assignment that we didn't do in the previous week and we have to submit it tomorrow no matter what. Sorry, we can't go." Jungkook said with a sad tone and Mingyu nodded remembering what they really have to do.

"Ah! Sad... Then others?" Everyone nodded and prepare to leave the room to go to my house. In the street, some of us also got something to do and left. Looks like they are destined to leave cuz my parents may not allow so many people. Now, I'm with Jeonghan, Jihoon, and Lina.

"I guess, we don't have anything to do," Jihoon said and his phone rang and also he left with a pissed face making us laugh also sad.

"By the way, we reached," I said ringing the bell of our house knowing that my mom always locks it.

"It's quite far from the college. You always came to your house by walking?" Jeonghan looked a bit surprised.

"I'm used to it. So it doesn't matter to me anymore." I said seeing they are struggling with their tired legs. "OK, a little bit."

"You came so early." My father said opening the door. Ah! Why my father? If he denies entering them?

"Father, my friends came with me," I said knowing that my father will 99% scold me and the other 1% is fate.

"OKayyy..." My father almost allowed but stopped at someone's gaze. "Wh-why your friends?" My father glared at me and I was almost scared for no reason.

"Hello, uncle! I'm Eunji's friend Lim Lina." Lina smiled.

"Hello!" But my father smiled.

"I'm Jeonghan," Jeonghan said but with a cold tone. My father didn't even say 'hello' to him.

"Eunji, you two enter. I have something else to do." My father pointed to two of us (Me & Lina). We entered with a confused look on our faces.

But the surprising thing is, my father went out for a while with Jeonghan.

"What? He knows him?" Lina shouted after entering my room.

"I don't even know," I said thinking.

After a while, my father opened the door, "None of your friends is allowed in our house! Don't ever dare to bring them here!!" he snubbed and slammed the door of my room.

I looked at Lina who is a little bit shock.

After bidding goodbye to her, I came to eat something from the kitchen.

"Why did you bring them without our permission. Why do you behave like a disobedient kid!" Father snubbed at me again.

"My other friends go to each other's house but their parent doesn't ever snub at them," I said with a little bit courage to talk to my father but he glared at me and went to his room and slammed the door...

"My other friends go to each other's house but their parent doesn't ever snub at them," I said with a little bit courage to talk to my father but he glared at me and went to his room and slammed the door

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