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"Yesterday, the guard saw some students on the campus," Professor said we looked at each other

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"Yesterday, the guard saw some students on the campus," Professor said we looked at each other.

"I wasn't there cuz my parents were in my room. So I couldn't come." Jihoon whispered.

"Are we going to be caught?" Joshua whispered while acting that he is taking a notebook from Lina.

"Don't know" Lina whispered back.

"Who are they? I heard that the students were from this class." Professor said and again we all glanced at each other.

"OK, let's not brag about this in our class time. They will come to my office after College ends." Professor said and everyone paid attention to class.

"We know that we will never go to his office for this," Jungkook said from another row and every one of us laughed.

"OK, the class ended. We all know that vacation will be started from the next day of tomorrow. Everyone, have fun and the students who were on our Campus last night will come to my office." Professors said and left the class.

"Don't know what to do... but we know we are not going there," Lina said and all of us nodded.

"It's not safe to investigate in our college Lab," Jeonghan said.

"It wasn't our college lab. It was just a side room called lab." I said.

"Oh. But we should change our location of investigation." Jeonghan said.

"Hm... Jeonghan is right." Jihoon said and all of us nodded.

"I think it's not safe that we are talking about this in our class," Seungcheol said.

"OK, then let's talk about it in our campus' open field," Jun said and we nodded.

After coming to the field, It was quite silent. We sat down in a corner of the field.

"All good," Joshua said after sitting.

"Then... where should we do it?" Lina said.

"We have a little lab room beside our college. I think it will be a workable place." Jun said.

"So, I bet it's all of you who came to the campus last night." A voice came out.

"Yes, So?" Lina said without looking but when everyone looked in that direction, everyone moved a bit to understand what's going on.

"And I hope it's not about any bad thing." Another one said.

"Aren't you guys in our class?" I said thinking that they are looking similar.

"yes... or else How could we know that it's you guys last night when professor said about it in our class?" 

"But, it's not about anything bad," Lina said.

"I hope so."

"By the way, we are going..." Jihoon said and all of us stood up.

"Before going, you have to say that what was the matter about or we will tell professor that you guys were trying to do something bad."

"It's not bad, promise," Jun said.

"Then tell us." 

"We lost something in our campus wat was so important for last night so we came to take it but the guard saw us but who are we he doesn't know," Jungkook said in one breath.

"Um... what you told just now, was believable... OK, Wonwoo we will see it later." The boy said and left with his other friend.

"What's their problem? We are talking here." Lina said in an annoyed voice.

"Let's move from here, and see each other tonight..." Joshua said.

"Yes... Then at first, we will take our things from our lab that we left yesterday, and then we will see the other lab beside our college." Jun said.

"Yes, and Jihoon, make sure to come today," Lina said.

"Yes. Or else she will miss you." Jeonghan said teasingly and we laughed and also got hit by Lina.

"Then tonight!" 

"OK then..." We confirmed and went to our house.

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