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Next day,

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Next day,

When I woke up, as usual after getting ready for college I sat to eat my breakfast.

"Eunji, Last night someone killed someone. Did you read this part?" My father asked. 

"No. Is it newspaper?" I said.

"Yes. Days were going well but again started killing, dying. Ah!" He sighed.

"Hm..." I murmured.

"What?!" When my mother was going to give me breakfast, my father shouted.

"What happened?" Mom asked.

"Wait. I'm coming." He said and left without listening to our questions. Anyway, something important came out to him. So he left.

Me and my mom just looked at each other confusedly.


When I was on my way to college,

"Eunji, do you know last night someone killed our neighbor? He lived in our next building alone." Lina said suddenly.

"Oh. So, it was your neighbor then(?)" 

"Why? Anything happened?" 

"No." I simply answered her question.

We sat down in our own seats. Soon, the class started.  But today, Jun-seo didn't come.

"What happened to him? He has been acting weird since yesterday." I said to Lina.

"He was OK before the new student came," Lina said.

"Do they knew each other?" I asked.

"I don't know. I think that time he was just feeling unwell." Lina said. "Nothing to be worried about. Just Study. If we go to his home we'll know everything." Lina said blowing up the matter.

"I see, what's happening," I smirked and she hit me with a book.

"Nothing happening," Lina said.

"Something serious happening," I said.


"Just like You are--" I was going to say and Lina was looking at me. "Just like you are coming to school every day. Yeah. That's it." I said and her flustered face went pissed and she again hit me but not that light. But I laughed lightly. Yeah, I'm always like this.


After the classes,

Everyone was leaving so slowly except Jeonghan. 

"Leaving so quickly?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said while packing his things up. 

"But isn't you have duty today to leave the room last?" I asked.

"Ah. I see. I told someone to do it. Then it's no problem." He said and left.

After talking with him, I saw the class is almost empty but Lina is not there. So I thought that maybe she left due to something important or wanted to see Jun-seo.

But I don't know why when the classroom was totally empty, I was feeling weird fun. So, I just left the classroom and stayed for a while in front of the classroom but was quite far away.

Not properly all students left the college, some were still there, walking slowly.

"Ah...!!?!" Suddenly I heard a very high shouting coming from the classroom where we do our classes.

I was quite far from the classroom. So, I ran to reach and some students who were still in the college, also ran to the room as well.

But what we saw, was totally unexpected. 

Blood from the student's stomach was dripping so horrifically.

Blood from the student's stomach was dripping so horrifically

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