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"Ommo...!!" Jeonghan said wearing the head of the costumes.
"It's soo big..." he said almost falling.

Then he took that off. "Oh! It's not mine. That is mine." he said taking the head from my hand.

"No, it is the cat's head. Mine is the cat." I said taking the head from his hand.

"I guess it's mine." he again took the head.

"No, chicken head doesn't look like this." I took that again.

Then we started to pull the head...

"You!!" Suddenly Lina's yelling appeared.

And we looked at her. I'm holding half of the head and Jeonghan is holding the other half.

"You guys are looking..... CUTE!" She finished the sentence & smiled.

But this way, the head fell from our hand out of pissed-ness...

"Haha!" Jihoon appeared from Lina's behind. "So cute... Haha." He laughed... HE LAUGHED!!!!


"Script! Who wrote this?" Jihoon took a paper from the corner table.
"The cat will punch the chicken and the chicken will fall(?)... WHAT?" He barely held his laugh.

"Who the specialist wrote this?" Lina asked.

"Um? What happened?" Jun appeared.

"Who the specialist wrote this?" Lina asked again taking the script from Jihoon's hand and showed it to Jun.

"Oh! This? Me. I wrote it. Isn't it so fun and cute?" Jun said giggling.

"I think... Um... It will be so cute." Lina said taking back her eyes from the script to see us: not doing anything just standing and Jeonghan is struggling to set his head with the cat head. He knows, he took the wrong head but still struggling and almost falling.

"Hm! I'm going to punch noww!!" Jeonghan ran toward me but instead of punching me, he fell on the floor cuz the head was big.

We held back our laugh. "Jeonghan, you wore the wrong head," Jun said while he just sat.

"Students, what's going on??!" Suddenly professor came and we all looked at him with flustered faces. "What are you doing? Do you have time to delay?" 

He left.

We hurriedly ran to set the things up.

"This is ridiculous!" Professor again came. "All is OK. But did anyone put these costumes in the waiting room from picking these up from dustbin?!!" He looked at the costumes. "Waiting room's costumes are always good. What happened to those?" Professor went to ask a man. The man looked at the costumes and said, 

"I don't know, sir. I didn't even saw these costumes." He said holding his laugh.

"So, the costumes always here?" Jihoon said after looking at the waiting room's costumes. 

"We just wasted our effort," Joshua said.

"Hey! You didn't do anything. He just took it from his cousin who was going to throw it to dustbin!!" Jeonghan said.

"Guys stop! and quickly change to these." Jihoon said.

"It's late, students. We have taken other students for MC-ing. Sorry. Sit down to the audience seat and enjoy the contest." Professor left.

I and Jeonghan sighed in happiness. 

"See?? What happened? Ah! You guys couldn't do the MC-ing." Lina said.

"So, that's why we are happy!" I said laughing as we were going to sit to see the contest's MC-ing part.

"Hey! Listen!" Jun pulled us in front of a room that was locked from inside and some people were talking there.

"Yes! So, you will murder him and shout and act like someone killed him and you saw him." a person said.

"That's a good idea!" another person.

"OK, and then what will happen, you know that." 


"Let's go! we are late for the contest!" 

"Hm. Let's go!"

As they were going to open, we came to a side. So, that they can't see us.

"Did you hear???" Jihoon asked.

"Hm. What was that? Is she going to murder someone here?" Seungcheol said.

"So, if anyone gets murder. She will act and we can understand it that it was her." Lina said.

"Woah! If anyone doesn't believe us since you know they have been suspecting us(?)" Jihoon said.

"Ah! I don't know! It's confusing! Let's go...!!" 


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