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At night,

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At night,

I went to college. It's looking like a hunted house. By the way, when I went there, I saw someone going towards the Lab. Maybe one of us.

So I was walking behind him. After all, I realize it's Jeonghan. I called him.


"Ahh..!?!" He yelled in answer. By the way, it's not an answer I know. He was just scared cuz of my calling. So don't judge me. 

"What?" I said.

"Oh. You." He said.

"Yes, me. You thought it's a ghost?" I said and laughed. Earlier I said, my laugh is light. So it's light.

"No. Stop laughing." He said in a pissed voice. When he said it, we heard some voices like: "Yes.", "Ah!", "I think it's professor.", "Should we run?" 

"Who's there?" Jeonghan asked me.

"I have no clue. Maybe they arrived before us." I said.

"Maybe. then let's go to them." Jeonghan pointed towards the door of the Lab.

"Hm..." And I nodded.

When we opened the door, the lightning began to flash in the sky and it started to rain. 

"Ah!?!" Someone yelled and I can feel everything is yelling 'Ah!?!' in my ear.

"What the problem?" I asked. But in return, I just heard yelling and feeling someone is holding my hand and running. It's Jeonghan. I didn't think that he gets this scared. After all, we bumped with someone again yelling. Like the whole atmosphere is made of yelling. I don't even like noises but this time I have to listen to them. 

Life is sorrowful.

Again and again yelling, running, falling, injuring, and then we came near to stairs.

"What's the problem?" I asked Jeonghan.

"I don't know." He said.

"Ah!?! Oh, you guys are here. I thought the dead body's ghost is in this college and hanging out at night." Inserts Lina's voice and yelling.

"There is nothing about the dead body's ghost," I said.

"O..oo..." Again Lina's face went 'o' and Jeonghan made her close her mouth.

"When you were yelling, my ear was bursting," I said to Jeonghan.

"Ooo..." Now Jeonghan's face 'o' and I nodded in disbelieve. These guys are dangerous funny.

"By the way, Where is Jihoon," Lina asked.

"Is Jihoon in the Lab? Remember when we were there some extra voice was there." I said and Jeonghan nodded.

"Ah? What? It means the ghosts are real?" Lina asked and started to shake the two of us.

"Ay! Stop shaking us. I feel like, I'm going to vomit." Jeonghan said.

"Then vomit," Lina said.

"Give me your bag or dress. I'd like to vomit there." Jeonghan said.

"Stop this," Lina said.

"Let's go to the Lab," I said and everyone stood up.

"Maybe Jihoon is there," Lina said.

"Yes, yes. Your favorite Jihoon. But where is Jun-seo?" I said and got a hit. You know who.

"Is she has a crush on Jihoon?" Jeonghan said and got a hit as well. "Why hitting me?" He said.

"Stop this nonsense..!?!" Lina yelled and we were talking about her crush. So you know we didn't care. Lalala...

When we again opened the door and switched on the light, you know what happened?

If you want to know, stay tuned.

If you want to know, stay tuned

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