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"Let's go to that cafe... I'll introduce him to you." He said grabbing my jacket's sleeve with his jacket paws... Towards the cafe.

"Hey! This is my friend, Eunji. Um..." he seems a bit confused. "Isn't your name Lee Eunji?" he looked at my pissed face.

"Seriously? You don't know my surname?" I said.

"Oh! Oh! I can remember. It's... It's Lim Eunji..." he laughed. "I almost forgot."

"My name is Kim Eunji..." I said to that boy who was standing in front of us seeing confused Jeonghan.

"O-- oh! Yeah yeah. Kim Eunji... Yeah." he laughed awkwardly.

"Hello! Eunji. I'm Chwe Hansol." The boy smiled.

"Chwe Hansol..." I tried to think about this name.

"He is from America," Jeonghan said and Hansol nodded.

"Just like Joshua?" I asked.

"Yes..." Jeonghan nodded taking an americano.

"Didn't you have one already?" I said when we walked toward the bench outside.

"Yes... I want more..."

When we sat down, "What were you talking about that don't tell anyone?" Jeonghan asked as he took a sip.

"Um... Nothing." I said and he nodded taking another sip.

"Haha, you know? Today when you headed back home, after some time Jihoon and Lina quarreled." Jeonghan laughed.

"About what?" I found something interesting.

"About shoe..." Jeonghan laughed hard. "Lina stepped on Jihoon's shoe and the fight began... Jihoon said you just stepped on my new shoe and Lina said I didn't see... I don't care. She said it and closed her ear to not hear anymore what Jihoon says." after listening all, I laughed too.

"But I'm pissed..." I made a pissed face.

"Ay~ why?" He asked.

"You didn't even know my name...!"

"Ay~ sorry... Hehe."


Day 5

"Um.....!!! Want to sleep more...!" I said after waking up.

"Um? Is it 6 am morning? Ah, I have to go to College again..." I nagged and jump on my pillow again. "Wait!! It's a vacation..." "yay!!!"
I cheered after knowing it's vacation.

I got fresh and started to walk outside...

"This early morning?" Someone startled me with his voice.

"Jihoon??!!" I half yelled.

"Why are you so scared? I'm Jihoon, not a ghost." He said and I nodded.
"But, he was close to know?" suddenly he laughed like he is crying.

"Who?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Who else is it..." he said and showed me a picture. Yesterday, I sent it to Lina. After all, my face: -_-

"Haha, you are so serious." he laughed.

"Finished mocking me? You guys also chatted together. I can see what's happening... Lalalala... And... Also, she told you about that. Lalalala..." I said in a dramatic move what made him pissed off.

"Again started..."

When it became close to noon, we gathered in that room.

"Did you guys know there is a contest?" Wonwoo said looking excited.

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