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"Leave the kitchen there

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"Leave the kitchen there... we will see that later," Boo said coming toward me. "Why did you bring them?" 


"Oh, so this is the matter?" Boo said thinking after hearing from us and we all nodded.

"But who is he with you guys?" I said pointing at a boy.

"Oh! he? leave him... He is in our school... Chan." he said to me making a barely cared face.

"Haha...! what's with that face?" I laughed.

"They always fight." Hansol joined.

"Also... he saw you guys came. He didn't even greet." Boo said again making that face, made us laughed.

Hansol called Chan to come to us.

"What kind of manners is this? They came and you didn't greet?!" Seems like he got scold. 😂

"Hello, I'm Lee Chan." He gave Boo an annoyed look.

"So, he also took a bath with flour when we came?" I laughed saying it to seungkwan's ear.

"Yes, pfft!" He laughed.

"He is youngest among us. So sometimes childish..." Boo said and Chan left pissed behind.

"It's not like that!"


"But, Boo. Why is your house so messy?" I asked looking at his messy house and he gave me an awkward laughed.

"We just pass the days through it." He laughed.

After all, we left...

"Good luck for the MC-ing..." Boo said showing a thumbs up. "Say good luck to them..." he glared at Chan.

"Good Luck!" We laughed.

"Hey! Aren't you guys coming to my house tonight?" Lina asked walking.

"Today?" Taehyung seemed scared.

"What?" Lina asked.

"I thought you will beat us up for some mistakes," Taehyung said and everyone laughed like bursting their stomach so as for me but there is someone pissed standing behind us. Haha...

"You guys' imagination..." Lina said as we laughed. "By the way, tonight..." she said and everyone nodded.

"Your house is not messy. right?" Jihoon asked Lina.

"It will be all clean..." 

"Ah... OK." 

We waved before heading home.

"Where were you?" Mom asked facing me.

"Just Someone's house..." I murmured.

"Well... we don't have something to give you for dinner..." she said and went back to her room.

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