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2nd day~

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2nd day~

It was about picnic in an open field. Sounds fun but what happened... We had to bring food, but no one brought it. How sad. *inserts dramatic crying* 

"I didn't know that no one will bring the food," Seungcheol said with a pissed voice and also a face.

"Let's have this picnic without food. Our iconic picnic..." Everyone cheered with poker faces.

"Ah! how disappointing~" Jeonghan wiped the dramatic tear from his eyes.

"Hey! Yesterday... where did you go?" I said sitting beside him.

"Um? Did I go somewhere? Oh yeah, I was having a bad headache for riding the roller coaster. So, I left. Hehe..." Jeonghan giggled and I looked at him like he is suspicious. "What?!~ Why that look? Do you doubt me?" 

"Haha." I laughed with a straight face. " Give me your number," I said, and after a lot of arguing he gave me, and in return, he took my number also.

"Sound sus..." He gave me a silly small eye look and I also looked at him with that look.

"What's with these guys? Always staying away from us. Are we virus or something?" Soonyoung gave objection.

"Okay Okay coming, coming." We two said in unison before went back to our place where the others were sitting.

"Hey, again someone killed someone... but there is no clue so the police can't investigate," Jungkook said.

"They don't need to. All bad people are getting killed these days." Mingyu said and I again remembered about my father...

Day 3!

We were going to Lina's house. After ringing the bell she opened the door with messy hair and when she realized it's us, slammed the door on our face and we went confused.

After a minute, she came back with fixed hair.

"Why you guys are here?" She said Looking at us. Me, Jeonghan, Jihoon, Soonyoung came only, not others.

"You said to come," Soonyoung said and Lina remembered.

"Not this time. Uh!" Lina nagged.

"Ay! Let us enter! My leg is aching." Jeonghan said and we join him and tried to enter. When the door opened widely, we saw a messy living room. Jeonghan's hand was on the door handle, his hand dropped down due to the messy scene along with his jaw.

 Jeonghan's hand was on the door handle, his hand dropped down due to the messy scene along with his jaw

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and Lina hit her forehead.

"You guys!" She yelled and came to clean the mess.

"What happened to your house? It is looking like the 3rd world war happened just a few seconds ago..." Soonyoung said lifting a book.

"Actually, I thought your hair is not only messy also your house..." Jihoon gulped seeing the mess again.

"Actually, It's not me who did this. I have a cousin, she has an online shop. So, she had to do it overnight. Her parents went on a business trip, my parent too. So, she is here and working and I had to join her too." Lina explained and we made 'o' face.

After cleaning we all put the things in the cartons.

"Ah! Thanks to you guys for helping... Let's have some snacks." Lina cheered and also we did hearing about snacks.

After eating we went outside to meet others at the college beside lab room.

"So, here you are," Seokmin said when we entered but Lina didn't come with us. She said that she has something to do and left.

We 4 people sat down beside them and talked until we saw Lina came with some things.

"What's this?" Everyone stood up to make some space.

"These are for you guys from my cousin." She said putting down all things and we saw each box has our name.

"This is for you..." "This for you... and..." She started to give the things to us. and we started to say 'thank you, thank you'

"Liked the gifts? I chose it and she just give me." Lina said while helping to open.

Mostly, the gifts are chocolates.

"You guys like chocolates?" She asked nodded cheeringly. 

"Jun-seo totally missed it," I said.

"He didn't even pick up the calls you made?" Jeonghan sounded worried.

"Things are going different than other times, these days," Wonwoo said and we nodded.

"Did someone get killed again? I didn't check the news." I asked.

"Yes, it was a college student who got killed. The name didn't display." Mingyu said and we nodded thinking.

"Again a bad guy got killed?" Jungkook said. "I guess, the killer is the same killer every day. Killing his enemies to take revenge(?)" 

"Well said," Jeonghan said pointing to Jungkook and nodded...

"Well said," Jeonghan said pointing to Jungkook and nodded

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