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The switch of the room was going to be on

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The switch of the room was going to be on. It's 'ON' now.

"Ah?!?!? GhOsT!?!? Ah?!?" The yelling started again and I was like 😑. I was feeling like punching them. 

"Who are you?" There were four people. I don't know who. Don't ask me. One of them asked after their yelling stopped.

"Who are you?" Jeonghan asked.

"Aren't you the new student?" One of them asked.

"Yes," Jeonghan answered.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lina asked them.

"Why would we tell you? Why are you guys here?" 

"Nonsense. What is your hand?" Lina was going towards them to see what is in their hand.

"Hey!?? Stop there." 

"Huh?!?!? A knife. It is our knife." Lina yelled and snatched the knife from their hand.

"What? You guys killed Jising?" One of the unknown people said.

"No. We were trying to investigate who killed him. So, we put it here. But who knows you guys would found it?"

They were thinking something and then they looked at us. "Hey?!? You guys are in our class. right?"

"So? You asked him that is he the new student. Now asking HeY?!? You guys are in our class?" Lina imitated him.

"Offf.?! I was asking you guys. Not him only." 

"Yes. We are in the same class."

"How it will go if we work together?" I said suddenly and everyone started to think. 

"It WoUld bE nIcE!?!?" One of them cheered but didn't earn any attention.

"Did you guys find something?" I asked.

"NooOoo." They lazily said. "We were trying to find but didn't find something." 

"Did you guys use something?" Jeonghan said with a pissed face.

"No. We were seeing the knife with our eye." They said and our situation was 🤦🏻‍♀️

"Seriously? Can't you guys find the fingerprint using tape and pencil powder?" Lina said.

"It works?" They said and again our situation🤦🏻‍♀️

"Of course it works if you do it carefully," I said.

"Oh... then let's start."

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