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"Eunji... Jeonghan...!!!" Professor again called out our names and we looked at our books.


"What you two were doing that time? That Professor was calling out your names?" Joshua asked after that class ended.

"Maybe they were catching mice..." Seungcheol said with a not interested face making everyone burst into laughter.

"I think you were catching them and one of the mice jumped onto your hair and now your hair is like this," Jihoon said showing Seungcheol's messy hair and everyone again laughed.

"Poor joke..." Seungcheol murmured.

Jeonghan's hair was messy as well. So, I looked behind me to find him but found no one. Instead, he is sitting on his chair and writing down something on paper...

After writing, he went out of the class. And again I insist myself see the paper but he had already taken it out.

Before doing something a Professor came and we sat down.

Then something came to my mind.
I took the book and tried to read the mark that came cuz of the writing load on this book.

'Come to the par...'

I barely read the half sentence.

"Come to the par-? Park??" I asked myself while planning to go there after class but also not sure that is it really written 'park'

"What are you doing?" Suddenly Lina popped out in front of me and I got startled. "What? Like you were doing some bad thing and I came out. Then, you got startled." She looked at me like I'm very suspicious.

"What? No, nothing... I was thinking something." I said trying to blow up the matter.

"Hm... OK." She checked me once again and I chuckled.

"Stop it. It's nothing..."

"OK. Jihoon and Soonyoung are literally quarreling..." She said and I laughed.

"About what matter?" I asked and she gestured she doesn't know. 

But after that, I saw Jeonghan entering the classroom. So, I hurriedly took my book what was the same as Jeonghan's book, and placed that on his desk and his book remained in my hand cuz I didn't read it clearly.

After all, we started to pack the things up cuz class ended already.

"Ji! I have something to do. So, Go with others...!!" Lina shouted while packing her things and I showed her a 'thumbs up'.

"Woah!" Jihoon sounded while lifting his bag on his back.

"What? Like this bag is so heavy...!" Lina showed a disgusted face to Jihoon and Jihoon stuck his tongue out.

"Woo! What's with that new name? Ji?" Jihoon came toward me after Lina left.

"She used to call me that before," I said and picked my bag to leave the class and Jihoon nodded walking beside me. But, that time I remembered something when I saw Jeonghan is below the college building already.

"OoH! Jihoon!" I hurriedly said and Jihoon hurriedly looked at me.


"I have something to do. So, Go with others! Bye!" I added what Lina has said to me and left Jihoon blank behind.

I ran toward the park where Jeonghan was going. I went there without being noticed by Jeonghan.

A small group came which includes 3 people and Jeonghan talked with them. After a while, he started to come back towards the exit.

"Nothing happened..."


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