25: Disaster

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The morning started like every other day. Daniel was still complaining about Jungkook to Hana and Jassabella, trying to find fault in everything Jungkook had ever done while they remained quiet allowing him to vent his frustration in the hope he will come to terms that the crown prince was there to stay in their lives one way or another.

They were staying at Jungkook's penthouse and waiting in the living room for Jihyo to wake up. Comprehending it must be very tiring for the princess to come all the way from Egyptia just to attend the party, they had decided to let her sleep in.

"I think you should wake her up," Hana told Daniel when she noticed the room service had arrived with their breakfast but he was too busy fighting with Jassabella so her words never reached his ears.

"Never mind, " She sighed, getting up from the couch and trotted towards the bedroom where Jihyo was staying.

Hana was well aware of the restriction the poor princess had on her life for being a vessel therefore, Hana was determined to snatch the opportunity and make the day the best day of her life. Hana wanted to make her feel comfortable and welcomed, after all, she was her dear friend's fiance, therefore, using all of her savings she had booked a bowling place and then an entire movie theater just so that Jihyo could have fun with her fiance far from the prying eyes of the general public.

"Your Highness, are you awake" Hana knocked on the door but for some reason, she got no answer.

After knocking again and waiting a little longer, Hana decided to peep into the room and found Jihyo in a seating position on her bed with her head lowered down and without moving.

"Princess Nova, are you fine" Hana slowly approached her feeling something was off.

"Jihyo '' she called her once again and slightly touched her shoulder when suddenly her eyes glow blue in color and a force knocked Hana straight out of the room.

For some period of time, everything was blank for Hana. Her ears were ringing and her vision was all distorted just like her mind. Shaking her head, she tried to gather herself and when her vision started becoming clear she realized she was no longer in a room but in between the rumbles of a destroyed building.

Everything happened at once and she didn't even have time to react but now that she was in her senses, she noticed Jihyo flying in the air with black emanation surrounding her and as if she had no control over herself, she was destroying everything that came in her way.

"Hina, Daniel" covered in dust and with a heavy head, Hana slowly managed to force her up from the ground.

At once many elite officers appeared and tried to seal Jihyo but every single one of them was blown away by the blast of Imari coming out of her hands which was made up of white chakra called pure light, similar to that of the canon.

"Hina, Daniel" Hana whispered as tears began to roll down her eyes.

Within a few minutes or so, the towering buildings were all crumbling down and there were screams of people everywhere. The sight before her looked more like a scene that was taken out from the movie that was based on the end of the world.

For years Hana had heard stories of horror regarding the destruction, a protecting beast famously known as Thirios could bring to the world but today she was having a first-hand experience. To think it wasn't even the full potential of Thirios since it was sealed into a vessel was another thing that not only shocked Hana but brought an immense sense of dread.

"HINA, DANIEL, " She screamed when she realized the blast had made her fly to another building beside the hotel and her friends were still in the hotel which looked like it was on the verge of collapsing.

Shouting their names Hana ran towards the direction she had last seen them but before she could make it far Jungkook appeared in front of her and teleported her out of the danger zone.

"Jungkook " Hana gasped in shock, finding him in front of her.

Jungkook was breathing heavily and was almost shaking and as soon as he recognized that she was safe he engulfed her in his protective arms.

For the first time, Uchiha Jeon Jungkook had felt such intense fear. The thought that something might happen to her was the worst thing the young prince had ever experienced. It was almost like the dread drilled into his bone when he witnessed the hotel where she was staying was almost collapsing.

"Thank god you are safe" he whispered in a trembling voice.

"Hina, Daniel" Hana stammered, not being able to speak properly. All she could do was point her finger in the direction where the grand hotel was.

"Listen, Hana, " Jungkook made her look right into his eyes.

"You are injured so you have to get out of here. Medical officers and the Military squad are already on the site and I am going there too. I won't let anything happen to them, I promise you" Jungkook assured her but Hana wasn't listening to him.

"No I need to go too, I am a medical officer in training I can be of help" Hana protested but Jungkook strictly turned her down. He knew the risk was too much for a trainee to get involved when even professionals would think twice. After All, they were dealing with one of the most powerful beings in the world.

"Are you crazy? This isn't a drill or a practice ground for you to be in here, this is a very critical situation, Hana. This is an S-Rank situation so let S-Rank officers handle this " He informed and directed officers to escort her away from the danger zone but Hana wouldn't let go.

"Jungkook you are not understanding, I am not arguing with you nor am I asking for your permission. Just because it is risky I can't step away from my duty as a medical officer. Though not stop the Thirios I can help heal the casualties" Hana retorted back not agreeing with Jungkook's decision. After all, she was trained for this and every help would count in such circumstances

"The area has been sealed with a defense shield and I prohibit you from going near that place. For once trust me, please. I won't let anything happen to your friends" Though it was supposed to be an order, Jungkook's voice sounded almost like a plea. He was scared to death for her safety. She was already bleeding from her head and he had no clue what damage the disaster had already caused to her internally. Therefore all he wished for her was to rely on him for once and fall back to safety.

Before Hana could open her mouth to say any more words, Jungkook handed her over to officers while he immediately teleported back to the scene since as the crown prince it was his responsibility to address the crisis on his own.

"Miss please, let us assist you" The officers began to lead her away but Hana wasn't someone to leave when her friend was still in danger.

All her life she had worked her ass off to be in a position where she could help people in need therefore when the situation had arrived when her contribution could save someone's life how could she flee. Her morals, her conscience, and her existence wouldn't allow that to happen.

"Officer, I am a medical student in training, and I need to be in the field to help, please let me help. " she pleaded but the officer didn't budge.

"Sorry Miss, we can't defy the prince's order" the officer informed and dragged Hana away as she hissed in frustration. She knew Jungkook was simply being protective of her but his action was depriving her of her sole responsibility.

Letting out a huff, Hana decided to take matters into her own hands.

"I said let me go, this is an order from your future lady light," The shocked officers could just open and close their mouths as their grip on her went loose.

Hana hated to use Jungkook's name and specifically the title to get what she wanted when she hadn't even accepted Jungkook as her mate but she had no other choice. She was desperate and in the moment of desperation, she did what she felt was the best.

Hana felt awfully shameless and a Hypocrite but for now, she decided to gulp down her guilt and do what she had to do therefore, mentally apologizing to Jungkook, she immediately turned around and started to run hoping that Jungkook would forgive her for her reckless actions.

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