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"Permission granted" Archon of the council slammed the gravel on his desk and the court erupted with the sound of people whispering. Some were glad that the terrorist would be caught with solid proof and some were horrified by the decision since such a powerful magic technique that could kill a mortal was going to be used on the girl before she was even found guilty.

Jassabella's father, James Heartfillia was the first one to protest disregarding the fact his word could be considered as revolting against the ruler.

"This is outrageous, you haven't even given her a chance to defend herself" he stated however more than half of the council was already convinced that Hana was a perpetrator responsible for the disaster so he was quickly shut down by another slam of gravel and was warned not to interrupt the hearing or would have to bear the consequences.

"I have a request" In midst of the chaos, Hana raised her hands and everyone's attention was now shifted to her.

"Go ahead" Uchiha Yoongi gave her the consent to continue.

"I want my mother and my guardians to be excused from this hearing " Her voice broke as she spoke those words but didn't dare to turn to see their faces.

She could hear the loud sob of her mother and another tender voice trying to calm her down, Jassabella's father was violently objecting nevertheless they were escorted out of the hall. Hana was scared as shit but, she didn't want her loved ones to witness her persecution as it would be too cruel to make a mother witness her daughter being tortured.

With a straight face, Archon of the council Uchiha Yoongi ordered one of the high-ranking council members, KibutsujiI Muzan a pure-blooded demon with mind-controlling abilities to proceed with the procedure and he seemed more than pleased to be bestowed with such honor.

Adorn in long black robes with red border lining, Muzan strode towards Hana with a sinister smile on his face. With every step he took, the fear building up inside of her was doubling. She wanted to go down on her knees and ask them to pardon her and scream that she was innocent however Hana was also aware that her plea would fall upon deaf ears and it would only be a waste of her tears, energy, and her effort.

The situation reminded her of the day she was kidnapped for ransom. Under the mercy of heartless folks, she was once again surrounded by people who wished to harm her in all possible ways. Her screams would be music to their ears and her pain would provide them the thrill they were missing because of living meaningless lives. However, unlike the last time, no one was coming to rescue her.

Not being able to look into her tormentor's eyes, Hana averted her gaze to the front when she noticed Archon staring at her with what looked like regret but before she could further decipher the emotions swirling in his eyes, a sharp unbearable pain jabbed her head and within a second she was on the floor screeching in agony holding her head. 

An Invisible drill punctured her mind and images of her past including the memories she wished to erase flashed in front of her as blood dripped down her nose but before the process would continue, Muzan suddenly plummeted to the ground as well with blood pouring down his ears, nose, and eyes.

Medics rushed to aid him but no one bothered to take a second look at the small girl lying on the cold ground in a crouched position.

"What just happened?" People were confused and finally, someone took a step to help Hana up.

"Her mind was too strong for Lord KibutsujiI to intercept" Namjoon explained as he gestured the guard to bring a chair to place the frail girl who was in a dazed state due to the intensity of the pain she had to go through.

"We need to use the stronger level of magic," A council member who represented Viaena suggested and everyone agreed.

"And risk her life? are you willing to take responsibility for her death if she turned out to be innocent?" Euphemia, queen of Euphoria, and Jassabella's aunt interrupted.

"I have been quiet the entire time but enough is enough." She turned to the King of East Werewolf Kingdom and spoke "Did the pain of losing your son lessen by propelling your hatred towards a small girl with no defense?"

"She is guilty until proven innocent" The king of the east werewolf's kingdom stated and regardless of her effort, the Queen of Euphoria was shut down by the rest of the council members.

Archon of the council was on his seat with his fingers intertwined and his eyes shut close listening to everyone debating with each other with their own belief and sense of justice. After all, the council was filled with both conservative and liberal members who never agreed with each other. The only common ground for this diverse horde was that they all feared, loved, and prayed to the same god; The Emperor.

"I will perform the magic myself" The King of Werewolf kingdom announced and turned to Archon for his permission.

For a minute or two Yoongi was silent as if he was calculating something. He shifted his gaze at the girl leaning against Namjoon staring blankly into empty space. Though Muzan couldn't get inside her mind, it was obvious he was able to give some damage and it would probably take a few weeks for her mind to resort back to normal.

Taking everything into account, he let a sigh and took his gavel. Again for a few seconds he just stared at a desk and then a smirk crept on his lips as he slammed his gavel giving the werewolves king the permission he sought for.

Satisfied with the outcome, King of East Werewolves Kingdom Dolphus Lycurgus stood up from his seat and proceeded to make his way towards the girl whom he believed was responsible for his youngest son's death. He was burning in the fire of revenge and was planning to kill the girl in the process and blame it on her weak human genes. She had to die after causing such a big misery to fall upon his Kingdom.

When he got close enough to the culprit he raised his hand to touch her head but all of a sudden the lights in the hall flickered and the huge glass ceiling above them the hall shattered urging everyone to duck down to protect themselves.

If the shift of the room temperature to chilling cold was not enough, then the powerful aura that propelled everyone on their knees was evident for every single soul to perceive in whose presence they were currently on.

The Heir to the emperor' throne stood in front of the King of east werewolves' Kingdom, whose leg soon enough gave up and he was on his knees not being able to withstand the dark chakra that surrounded him. In a second, he had turned into a puppy from a mighty wolf and could barely produce a squeak.

Soon enough another powerful aura filled the hall, and the crown princess of Egyptia and Crown prince of Carabian made their entrance a few seconds after their best friend followed by Jimin and Jassabella.

Jungkook whirled around and got down on the ground to level Hana's eyes which had no light in them and were empty. She couldn't even recognize who he was and that caused Jungkook a great amount of pain.

"I am so sorry I was late" He apologized with regret kissing her hands and carefully carrying his mate in his arms.

A bone-chilling growl erupted from his throat and the next time he faced the crowd, his eyes were no longer coal-black but red in color. He was glaring at the people with his Sharingan.

"How dare you touch her?" he spoke each and every word with such intensity that some of the members who voted for Hana's capture had already peed in their pants.

Jungkook was a lot of things but just like his family, he was never merciful. In fact, he topped every Uchiha when it came to being ruthless including Archon himself. 

Daniel was never wrong all along. There was a reason why everyone feared Jungkook so much as he never batt his eyes to impose his verdict and never actually cared if he would be called a tyrant.

The only reason he wanted to change was for Hana.

Only she would make him want to be a better man however that also meant his soft side was only limited to Hana.

No soul that plucked up some courage to defy him would go unpunished.

Taking one last look at his beloved, he finally let his fury inundate the council.

"Amaterasu" and the entire hall then engulfed in his flames of vengeance.


Amaterasu is the great and glorious goddess of the sun, it's a power of heavenly illumination (fire from heaven) that once starts only the person who started it can put it off.

People who are fans of naruto are familiar with this concept :)

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