0: The Beginning

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Hana stood up as the excitement surged through her body hearing the cheers and clapping from her classmates as she was being called upon the stage to receive the prestigious decoration of excellency from the chairperson of her school.

The award wasn't just a tag or an addition to the collection of medals that she had already secured but the gateway to her only dream, which was to study Medical practice in the supernatural and join the Supernatural elite force to become a medical officer.

As the chairperson handed her the certificate and granted her the honor, her eyes welled up having to realize that she had made it. All of her hard work, sleepless nights, and hours and hours of practice and studying had finally paid off.

"Thank you so much, Maam" she nearly choked as she tried to convey her gratitude with utmost respect and politeness.

"I am sure you will make us proud" the Chairwoman stated with confidence as Hana nodded her head.

This was the most emotional moment of her life. As a person coming from a middle-class family even getting to attend the most prestigious school in the city of Venesia was a big deal for her. On top of that, she had to give up her social life to maintain the scholarship and facilities provided by the Sponsor.

After all, Daffodil wasn't an average school that a non-magical-born Neanders girl like her could get admission to. It was a school built for children coming from elite families. Her classmates were super-rich, and influential, some even with royal status, and yet she didn't just survive but thrived to become the best.

"I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!" her best friend happily squealed and jumped, clapping for Hana.

Jassabella Heartfilia, daughter of one of the most influential families in their city. They were known to have connections up to the Emperor's council and were related to the Royal family of Euphoria. In short, she was a real princess.

Despite her social status, she was the most down-to-earth person Hana had ever met and if Jassaebella would not invite Hana on her birthday seven years ago, Hana would still be oblivious about Jassabella's background as Jassabella had introduced herself by her pet name Hina. Hana had assumed Jassabella / Hina to be some ordinary girl like her who was selected to attend the school due to some special reasons but turned out she was the only heiress of her multimillionaire family and royalty. She only used her pet name Hina to avoid fake friends and opportunists that would try to take advantage of her.

When Hana returned to her seat, Jassabella gave her a big hug congratulating her on her success.

"I am so proud of you" she repeated and Hana beamed at her returning her hug with equal enthusiasm.

"I wouldn't have achieved this without you" she revealed with teary eyes and after some thank yous and welcomes she made herself comfortable in her seat.

Hana was showered with praise and regards by all of the people surrounding her. After all, it was not everyday news for a simple human girl to receive such an award which allowed her to enroll in any university in this entire universe and all of her educational expenses would be covered by the sponsors.

"So have you thought of which university you will be applying to?" One of her classmates questioned in curiosity and Hana smiled at her, understanding her state of mind.

Even though she had successfully established herself in school gaining love and support from her teachers, she was still a commoner who got lucky in most of her classmate's eyes. To be honest, it was true to a certain extent as well because the only reason she got admission to the prestigious school even when she was an ordinary girl born into a human family was her blood.

Her blood was considered a sacred elixir since it had a healing ability that could be used to treat any kind of supernatural creature. One sip of her blood and even heavily injured supernatural beings would be jumping around in a few hours. It was a very rare occurrence for a human to have this ability and besides her only known human with this gift was now the most celebrated person in the Universe.

"Kim Yeona"

Somehow, the power that her principal considered to be a boon and a curse had become her ticket to opportunities. Soon enough, it became the reason for her ambition to become a Medical Officer because she wanted to become just like her role model; Kim Yeona.

Since Kim Yeona was now married to the current Regent of the Emperor's throne Uchiha Kimeron Taehyung, girls all over the world had entirely different reasons to idolize her however Hana admired her for her courage and her contribution to the medical field. She was a symbol of success for a normal girl like Hana. A living proof that being born into a simple human family wouldn't prevent a person from achieving greatness.

Yeona, an orphan, had risen from ashes to become one of the most celebrated people in the entire universe and the revolution she brought to medical science was unmatchable.

At the age of twenty-four, she had devised the magic that would allow people to share the pain, decreasing the chances of patients dying from sheer pain. In many events of crisis and her missions, she had managed to take the pain from the patient into her and do the operation side by side making her name a household name in the world of medical science.

The youngest S-Rank medical officer, Lady Light to the Regent to the Emperor's throne was an iconic figure in Hana's life.

It was ironic how she met the crown prince during one of her missions and soon enough they fell in love and got married disregarding the opinions of the High Council or the public.

After her coronation, millions of girls all around the universe applied for medical practice however it wasn't so easy to be one. As the name suggests, the person who is a medical officer has to gain knowledge related to supernatural medical science and at the same time be good with guns. They should have the ability to save lives with a knife as well as have the guts to take a life with the same knife.

Her heroic acts and kind nature had made Hana her biggest fan and hence she was applying to the same university Lady Light had graduated from in a hope that one day she will be able to walk in her footsteps.

"Yes, I have already passed the entrance examination for medical science in Voclaunore. I am going to Pyracea"

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