7: A bully

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The thick velvet curtains obstructed the sun rays from passing through, prompting the room to be dark even in the broad daylight. The room was heavily decorated with expensive artifacts, Italian marble was laid for people to walk upon and the white and golden wallpaper gave it its classic Victorian appearance but no matter how well the room was embellished, it still felt secluded without any charm due to lack of illumination.

A high magnificent chandelier was dangling just above Daniel's head and he was kneeling before the prince resting comfortably in his exorbitant settee with his chin reclining on the back of his hand.

The prince didn't speak but simply stared with his one eyebrow arched up waiting for his subject to break down in fear; however, the guy didn't even flinch.

"I am sure you know why you are here, Prince Salvaster" his voice held so much authority and dominance that even though Daniel didn't wish for it, he could feel every ounce of him submitting to his demands.

"I beg to differ your highness" he spoke through his gritted teeth, not daring to look up to the royalty his family had bowed to for centuries.


Daniel knew he couldn't match up to him but at that point, he simply wanted to forget Jungkook's status and cut his tongue for taking Hana's name. That one name and Daniel wanted to forget who he was kneeling before and pounce to shred him into pieces.

"Pardon me for my rudeness your highness but I don't see what my girlfriend has to do with you" This time Daniel made sure to look straight into his eyes as he uttered the sentence disregarding that his action could be a serious offense that could result in him losing his crown.

The look that spread on Jungkook's face made Daniel relish for a while however a second later he found Jungkook chuckling with his head thrown backward for a good two minutes or more. He was laughing as if he knew Daniel was lying. But then how would he not know. Jungkook could see through lies and facades with ease. Blessed with the eyes of God, he had the ability to see through any illusion with ease.

Tittering over the fact that Daniel called Hana his girlfriend, Jungkook composed himself but when the humor had settled down the expression Jungkook had nearly made Daniel pee his pants. He was clearly not pleased with Daniel for trying to fabricate a false relationship with Hana.

His dark eyes bore into Daniel's timid ones and soon enough Daniel felt like all of his energy and chakra were being sucked out of him leaving him hollow with only his shell. He was suddenly sweating a lot and his body had grown weak to the point his knees were not able to handle his weight.

Daniel was sure Jungkook wasn't using any of his power but his aura itself was so intimidating that any opponent would fall to their knees before the fight would even begin.

"I don't want to see you even two meters close to Hana, and Salvaster, this is not a request. It is an order from your future king" Jungkook's voice was an octave lower as he commanded Daniel and dismissed him with a simple gesture of his finger.

Daniel wanted to scream and tell the prince that he could go and fuck himself but he remained quiet. He knew his place. He knew his limits. If Jeon Jungkook wanted then he could finish Daniel in a second and erase his existence from the universe and he was humble in comparison to other royals of his status.

Silently Daniel stood up on his feet and straightened his shirt. He had his fist riled up trying to contain all the rubbish he wanted to spit out but he decided not to do so. Neither was this the right time nor the right place and he still loved his head moreover, wanted it to remain attached to his body.

Taking long long strides, He walked out of the room without even properly addressing the prince and when he was at a safe distance, He screamed his lungs out throwing his hands over a vase that broke into hundreds of pieces after causing some damage to his palm.

As the blood dripped down his fingertips, he tried to relax his breathing and soon enough began to walk away from the palace taking deep breaths in and releasing them out.

There was only one thing going on in his mind and that was to destroy Jeon Jungkook.

The prince had underestimated him and if threatening would work on him then his mother wouldn't have had such a hard time controlling a freak like him.

A freak, that was what people told him he was.

His family had deemed him unstable, his own mother treated him like damaged goods that needed to be fixed and his friends just pretended to like him while saying he was mentally ill behind his back.

The only person who saw him for what he was was Hana. In front of Hana, he was simply a boy who was a bit naughty. She didn't try to fix him but accepted him the way he was.

She was his angel who saved him from the darkness so if Uchiha Jeon Jungkook thought he could just order him to stay away from her then he was in a big delusion.

As Daniel stood in front of the door with his hand bleeding, he rang the bell nonstop until he heard the door opening from the inside and in a split second his face changed from anger to frightened one with tears brimming his eyes.

"Oh My Lord, Daniel, Your hand" Hana gasped noticing his hand which Daniel was holding up letting tears fall like a waterfall.

"Hana!" He cried, throwing his arms around her and hiding his face on her shoulder as he sobbed.

"The Uchiha prince, he...he bullied me"

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