30: Witness

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Since the beginning of her trial, Hana was hardly given any chance to speak out in her own defense. Her throat went dry listening to the so-called evidence that made little to no sense to her. Firstly the only answer she was allowed to give was in the form of yes and no, therefore, the reasons for her actions that somehow in the eyes of the council took the form of suspicious activities were completely ignored.

"Ms. Yun Like we said earlier you will be given time to speak" One of her subordinates Archon reminded Hana for the tenth time as she opened her mouth with a 'but'.

"Were you aware or not?" Kim Namjoon repeated his question.

"The answer is simply Yes or No" He informed her again with a charming smile.

During the entire session, the Uchiha prince, Namjoon had an appealing way of putting forward all of his statements to the court and the crowd was nodding their head at everything he was claiming against Hana regardless of how doltish it sounded.

Letting out a heavy breath Hana replied " Yes I was aware that I was Daniel's dark love, I knew it years before but we..."

"Did you know the risk of being in someone's dark love?" He interrupted Hana in the middle.

"Yes, I do...I"

"Can you list some of them for me?" Hana rolled her eyes and proceeded to list the dangers she read about the bond.

"Is it true that four years ago, the Salvaster prince tried to force you to accept him"


"And yet you remained close to him, why?" She was again cut off.

"Daniel was a kid when this happened, he didn't know what he was doing was wrong. He tried to force me to accept him but the moment I said no, he respected my decision because he truly cared for me. I didn't see just darkness and obsession in him but genuine care as well. I decided to look past his actions and began putting some effort into knowing why he was so disturbed when I realized it was just a lack of affection." Daphnie visibly scoffed at Hana's words as if claiming her son was in need of affection was the most stupid thing a living person could brew out of their mouth.

"I also believe in the theory that dark love and mate bonds are two sides of the same coin" Saying that she turned to meet the eyes of the person who came up with the theory and she could swear she saw him smirking.

"I thought I could prevent Daniel from the curse of dark love if not of pain from unrequited love" She revealed hoping someone would feel her sincerity.

"It's not about what you believe Ms. Yun, it's about the truth" Namjoon whispered and diverted his gaze to The Archon of the council.

"My lord, from her statement the only takeaway is that Ms. Yun was aware that she was Daniel's dark love and risks of being his dark love yet never took any steps away from him. Not only that, after meeting Daniel's mate, she made no attempt to rectify the circumstances and deteriorated the situation further by subjecting the princess to mental torture by displaying that her mate didn't love her. This report is backed by my witness Princess Annette Cressida of Cytheria, who has confirmed that Princess Jihyo Nova was in great distress to meet Hana. Princess Nova verbally affirmed that she hated Miss Yun to Princess Anetter Cressida in person. The reports also state that Ms. Yun took advantage of Prince Salvaster's attachment to her and played it to her strength." Saying that he asked permission to invite his first witness to the podiums.

Daphnie Salvaster walked with grace when she was called upon the podium as a witness. Her followers/ Maidans helped her by holding the ends of her long red drape while she climbed up on the podium while others replaced the chair with a throne they were carrying to the court for the sake of their queen.

"Your Highness, what was Ms. Yun and Daniel's relationship?" The first question was dropped on the floor.

"What would a young man and a beautiful lady be doing with each other?" She spoke as if it was obvious that Danial and Hana had an affair.

"At first, I thought that she was just his mistress but soon I figured that this witch wrapped my son around her finger. He was like her puppet, doing whatever she commanded him to do. My son executed his cousin because of her false claim that he tried to hurt her" Daphnie ratted out her lines as if she was practicing to say them for days. Hana was sure she was having the time of her life given that she was the sole person Daphnie hated more than her husband's mistresses.

"How much do you think the crown prince of Vieana has spent on Ms. Yun?"

"Millions of dollars, to be honest. He used to pull out money from the Royal treasury to spend it on her. I used to be baffled seeing why such a small girl would need so much money but now I am realizing that she was using Vieana's money to fund a terrorist organization." She shed some crocodile tears in front of the jury claiming that she was confident Hana tried to dispose of her son because the crown prince of Death Valley was her next target.

"I can assure you, she will do the exact thing with our beloved Prince of death valley. There is no denying that she has used some witchcraft on both of the men. Therefore before she destroys our princes we should put her to death" In a very dramatic way she ended her statements as the prosecutor handed the report to the jury.

"According to this report, to this date, Hana has already made Prince Salvaster transfer two hundred million worth of assets that originally belonged to the Salvaster family in her name. Including mansions, shopping malls, hotels as well as islands. Salvaster family always suspected that she is a gold digger and a witch but now they are sure that she was using Daniel to finance the terrorist group"

For no reason, Hana tittered and when the eyes of the entire hall averted to her, her tittering turned into chuckles. She expected Daphnie to go overboard with her lies in order to lock her away from her son but her performance was so offbeat that she doubted anyone in this room felt any sympathy for her.

"What did you find so humorous Ms. Yun" The deep voice that would make any man pee on their pants spoke to her and gathering herself Hana she replied to the Archon of the council.

"It's just that I never realized I was a millionaire. if I would have known about this a bit before, I wouldn't have worked my ass off taking double shifts as a librarian" The entire court erupted in laughter at her statement. Even the team of prosecutors fighting against her and the subordinates of Archon were smiling at her witty replies.

"Silence" One of the men sitting below the throne of Archon smashed the Gavel to reestablish order in the court and everyone gathered themselves.

"Thank you, Your Highness, you may return back to your seat"

Daphnie slowly got up and tried to move down in her big dress. Even watching her struggle with her extravagant dress and jewelry was uncomfortable for Hana to bear. It took three of her followers to help her down, take the throne away then help her get back to her seat.

The expression Uchiha Yoongi had on his face while the entire event unraveled was rather hilarious for Hana to witness. He had a distinct look that screamed 'you got to be kidding' but regardless the man kept up with his cold exterior and continued the hearing after Daphnie settled down on her designated seat among the crowd.

"Talking about being a librarian..." Namjoon pulled out a picture and placed it in front of Hana.

"How would you like to explain your visits to the forbidden sections? I am sure you knew you were not allowed there" Namjoon popped the question which Hana was praying would be ignored but of course, how could she even hope for such carelessness from the council? They must have gone through each and every move she made after entering the Voclaunore so the finding of her trips to the forbidden section shouldn't have come as a surprise to her, however now that the kitten was out of the bag, she knew they would try to drag her to the hell for it.


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