47: First night

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The fear clutched Hana's chest making it impossible for her to breathe as she stared at the scene before her with wide eyes. The burning buildings were on the verge of collapsing and the screams of people begging for help sore through the atmosphere, making her knees go feeble.

All six vessel was floating in the air with their eye glowing bright and suddenly all of their's eyes were on her.

"No..." was all she could utter when a powerful blast shot at her turning the remaining of the city into nothing but dust making her scream at the top of her lungs.

Hana jolted up in the sitting position, her breathing erratic and her heart bouncing hard against her rib cage. The beads of sweat that were formed on her forehead glided down and mingled with the tears after reaching her chin. Even though her nightmare had ended the dread still felt real. The same recurring dream that hunted her ever since she was acquitted was getting more vivid with every single night.

'it was just a dream' She repeated the words in her heart and before she knew the lamp beside her bed lightened up and a warm arm wrapped around her securely.

"You are fine Hana, I am there with you" Jungkook's voice cooed making her ease a bit and holding on to him, they rocked to and fro until her body stopped trembling.

It took her a minute or two but after she felt better, she whipped her head to the side and blurted out. "What are you doing here?"

Hana bite her tongue when her words came out harsher than she intended it to be but finding him with her in the middle of the night after separating their ways from the corridors did give her a bit of a surprise.

Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line and his ears went crimson realizing Hana had caught him red-handed in between his midnight ventures.

"Don't say you were acting Edward Cullen because I am not Bella Swan to appreciate it" Hana distanced herself with narrowed eyes observing Jungkook who was fiddling with his finger finding himself in a tight spot.

"Well, they weren't dating if I am correct?" He gave her a sheepish smile and when Hana folded her arms with her right eyebrows arched up he immediately came up with excuses to defend himself.

"We were supposed to be sleeping in the same room and I was so excited... but you asked for separate rooms" he pouted as he continued "for god knows how many months I will be sent back tomorrow to recommence my sentence, and thinking about it was making me miss you even more so I just came to take a peek"

It didn't take long for Hana's strict facet to drop down and though she had a giant urge to pull the guy and cradle him against her chest, she took a deep breath in and kept her hands to herself.

"Jungkook, I thought it would be weird for me to share the same room with you when your family is around. After all, it hasn't been that long since we have been together. Different doubts arose like what would they think about me. I just couldn't be that bold... you know" she confessed the truth.

"No no Hana, My family wouldn't mind at all" he repositioned himself to sit on the bed in his heels and continued.

"In fact, not sharing the same bed with your mate is considered to be unusual. My family must be freaking out thinking I did something to upset you " Jungkook promptly explained.

"Seriously?" Hana scrunched her tiny nose and Jungkook bobbed his head to assure her.

"Yeah till we find our mate we are expected to practice abstinence but after that, we get permission from goddess to seal our relationship in any form we deem fit " he further added.

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