29: The Trial

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Hana had her eyes closed as she analyzed the sequence of events that led her to her current situation. She was playing every occurrence that happened in her mind in an attempt to pinpoint the trigger that caused Jihyo to go out of control. Hana was aware that Jihyo was in emotional distress during the discussion with Jungkook but after Jungkook left the penthouse, she was fine and relaxed.

If the revelation that she was Daniel's dark love was what caused Jihyo to go berserk then she wondered why it didn't happen sooner when the truth was actually unraveled. To be honest, Jihyo was way too calm and composed the entire time and had only lost her stance when the possibility of Daniel's execution was being debated. 

Even after the truth was revealed, Jihyo didn't seem to have any problem with Hana and her decision to stay back with them as evidence of it.

Jihyo was as excited as Hana about their meeting and they both even had a decent conversation late till night. There was no sign of hostility from her side therefore her going out of control at the exact moment when Hana entered the room and touched her seemed very suspicious. 

For sure there were some people who wanted her to be gone and her guts said that it wasn't just that. Maybe this was a part of an elaborate plan and she was just a pawn that was to be sacrificed.

Hana was guessing that the evidence authorities had against her was nothing but made up or planted to frame her. Most probably their words were all bogus in an effort to make her blurt out all of her crimes in fear. Even if they would figure out that she used forbidden magic at max they could do was suspend her since no one was harmed so she was confident that they had nothing solid against her to prove her as a terrorist.

However, this wouldn't save her from the tortures that would eventually be the part of her prosecution to reach the truth. In fact, she was already mentally preparing herself to go through the worst pain, possibly Memory Prodding magic that would allow the user to go through the lane of her memory and identify what happened.

Of course, the magic wouldn't be enough to reveal anything because neither she was guilty of incitement of the disaster nor a terrorist but the process would be very excruciating and exhausting. Nevertheless, if that was the price she needed to pay to prove her innocence she was ready for it.

"Miss Yun, your trial will begin in an hour, we are here to escort you to the council hall" As soon as the voice informed her, the wall surrounding her started to fade, as if it was a mere illusion and for the first time she got to witness the person she was talking to.

A  woman who appeared to be in her thirties stood before Hana with her arms crossed over her chest. She was accompanied by some other men wearing long dark rob. Her white hair was long, almost touching the floor and she was wearing a red velvet full sleeves dress with golden embroidery. Her face was the exact definition of a resting bitch face since not even a speck of emotion could be found in them.  However, not everyone was wearing the same expression as her because there were some people smiling warmly at her making chills run throughout her body. 

The way they were treating her was evident that the council already deemed her guilty nevertheless they were staring at her with supposedly friendly eyes and charming smiles. This either meant they were happy that she was captured and would be prosecuted or that they were masters in hiding their true emotions.  In both ways, their smiles made her feel wary of her well-being.

Hana walked straight beside the woman because she seemed to be more genuine with her true feelings. In a classic way, they tied her hands with some chakra sealing handcuffs which immediately made Hana go weak on her knees and prepared to take her to their destination.

"Will the Crown Prince of Death Valley be in the audience?" She questioned, to which everyone nearly scorned, finding her courage to ask about their holy crown prince as an audacity that was enough to hang her till her death.

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