28: World against us

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Updating in between work because I have home office yah!!!!!!


"HANA'' Jungkook jolted awake, his breathing was erratic and his heart hammering hard against his ribcage. An eerie feeling settled down in his stomach that was getting worse every passing second so before it would consume him, he had to make his escape and find a way to free Hana from the council.

"I need to leave" without wasting even a second, Jungkook gathered himself up and attempted to leave however he was immediately stopped by his eldest brother.

"Jungkook please don't make me knock you down again" Letting out a huff, Seokjin cast away the book he was reading and redirected his attention to his youngest brother.

"I won't stop trying"Jungkook snickered and both of them summoned their swords out of their bodies and pointed toward each other.

"Jungkook you are acting recklessly" Seokjin tried to reason with him as they clashed their swords destroying everything that was around them from the impact.

"DO YOU THINK I CARE?"Jungkook was in no mood to listen to anyone lecturing him. No words, no talk would change his mind and stop him from freeing Hana.

"Don't forget who you are, Jungkook. As the crown prince of death valley you have to abide by the order from your King, What you are doing can be considered treason?" Jungkook was way more powerful than Seokjin however Seokjin had an upper hand in this battle since most of Jungkook's chakras were sealed by Taehyung in an attempt to stop him from doing anything that could shake the foundation of the Uchiha family.

"You know even if you beat me, you can't escape from this place, we are in a different dimension" Seokjin reminded Jungkook but it wasn't enough to block him from trying.

His mate was taken into custody by the ministry and was being prosecuted for inciting the disaster that took many lives. Not only that, authorities were suspecting that Hana was involved with the most notorious terrorist organization named Akumano Shuhaisha that was responsible for the disaster that killed the previous 45th Regent of the Emperor's throne and lady light: Uchiha Mijaki and Uchiha Lily

The evidence gathered by the council couldn't be dismissed just because Hana was Jungkook's, potential Mate when the authorities doubted that their mate bond was forged using some witchcraft. In their opinion, it was almost impossible for a Neander to be the mate of Jungkook at the same time dark love of another powerful prince like Daniel Salvaster. So being the member of the Founding royal family, responsible for the wellbeing of the entire species of the universe they decided to go along with the decision of the council and prosecute her.

However, none of these facts made sense to Jungkook, and even if they did, he simply didn't care. Jungkook was blinded by his affection towards Hana and was no longer capable of differentiating what was right and wrong.

Seokjin was afraid that even if Hana would be proven guilty of being a terrorist, Jungkook would still try to protect her hence it was now his responsibility to make sure that the convict would be fairly prosecuted without any hindrance.

"Uchiha Jeon Jungkook, you are required to follow the order of the High Council or else..."

"Or else what...?"Jungkook challenged his eldest brother because he knew Seokjin was incapable of hurting him. His family loved him too much to cause him any serious harm and as for the High council, they could go fuck themselves.

Knowing Jungkook's wrath they carefully avoided the prince and abducted Hana from the hospital where she was being treated and later slapped the council's order in his face.

If Jimin was not there to stop him, he was on his way to burn down the council for their audacity to lay their finger at his lady light, but Archon of the council locked him into another dimension preventing him from coming in between their so-called justice.

"Hyung Please, let me go, Hana needs me. I can't imagine what she must be going through right now, and I can't abandon her. Daniel is in a coma and she might be blaming herself for that but we both know it is not the case. He took that hit for me. That stupid brat took that hit for me" a drop of tear rolled down his eye as his voice trembled.

When Jungkook was momentarily distracted, Jihyo blasted an imari of level S in his direction. Though Imari wouldn't have killed him it would cause him serious damage and to his surprise, Daniel came in between and took the hit instead, leaving him in a state of comatose.

Maybe Daniel already guessed that the blame for the disaster would fall upon Hana. Therefore he did everything in his power to save one person who he knew was influential and powerful enough to help Hana in case the council would take steps against her. Not to forget Daniel's family would leave no stone unturned to destroy Hana since they believed Hana to be the reason for Daniel going off track from his family and their tradition.

Jungkook was supposed to be the shield that would deflect any malicious attack thrown toward her but now his own family was working against him and preventing him from doing what a mate should do. His own family became the reason for the crushing pain that was squeezing the life out of him.

"Please Brother, What would you do if it was Tenessia Noona in the prison right now? " Jungkook pleaded again and Seokjin's eyes went soft.

He could understand Jungkook's point but his hands were tied as well. Just like how Jungkook had a responsibility towards his mate, he had responsibilities towards their family.

Letting his sword fall on his side, Jungkook went down to his knees. To witness Jungkook begging was one thing Seokjin never wanted to see but right now his mighty head lowered down seeking mercy from his own family.

Why couldn't they see how agonizing it was for Jungkook to sit quietly when his mate was being tortured somewhere. He knew how ruthlessly the council members could be, after all, it was filled with extremists who worshipped The Emperor and could go to any length to ensure the balance between the different worlds remained.

Founded first by Emperor Uchiha Sakuke, some members of the council were believed to have lived alongside the emperor to see his glory and the unification of the seven realms. Currently, the House of the council was led by no other than Uchiha Min Yoongi, the only remaining child of the late King and queen of Death valley, Mijaki, and Lilly.

At the age of thirteen, he infiltrated many terrorist organizations as a spy and destroyed them from the inside. After getting the position of Head of the council, Yoongi vanquished many terrorist groups with his wit and unrelenting strategies.

His strong resentment towards the terrorist group Akumano which was responsible for the death of his parents and his siblings was one of the driving factors in his life. After his appointment as the Archon of the council, the title that held nearly equal power and authority as Regent of The Emperor, he achieved victories in the sectors that were thought to be impossible.

So when Hana would be brought to him labeled as a potential member of the organization that took away his family, Jungkook was positive that Yoongi would crush her and fulfill his vow to eradicate the sole reason for the untimely demise of his loved ones.

" I need to protect her but if my own family stands against me, how will I honor my bond"

Seeing Jungkook vulnerable, Soekjin was torn between his love for his brother and his responsibility as an Uchiha. The decision was rather grueling for him to make but he knew which side he was on.

A fair trial was important for the sake of his friend and the convict being someone of importance shouldn't change the fact therefore, with a heavy heart, he sincerely apologized to his youngest brother as someone sneaked from behind and knocked him down again.

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