35: Lady Light

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It was like Deja Vu. Hana woke up with her senses dulled and pang lingering on her head but unlike before, it took ages for her mind to start functioning. Her eyes would reflect the light for her brain to intercept but her brain had decelerated due to the impact of the memory prodding magic making her unable to perceive her surroundings.

Hana laid on the soft mattress staring at the gorgeously gilded and golden-colored ceiling and only after an hour did her brain's nervous system commence its activity at a snail-like pace.

The constant beeping sound coming from a monitor beside her plus the smell of disinfectant made her realize that she was no longer locked up between four white walls however why and how she had reached there was again a mystery to her.

"Jungkook" was the first word that rang in her mind as her memories of the disaster and the trial came back to her in bits.

For some reason, before she lost her consciousness, his soft voice rang in her ears like a soft melody giving her some sense of hope but now that she woke up in solitude she concluded she was simply hallucinating.

The dread that she felt standing between all those influential people who saw her as a criminal and had every intention to hurt her returned back and finally, all of her cooped-up emotions burst out at once and she wept like a child letting out the frustration she had been feeling since the day of disaster.

Their harsh glare was like a touch of burn on her skin and their accusations, a sharp arrow pointed straight towards her vital organs. The experience was traumatizing and to make the matter worst the request for the memory intruding magic to be used upon her was approved by the Council.

Though she had anticipated it and even had tried to prepare herself for the worst outcome when the evil-looking council members had taken a step toward her, all of her courage and determination had plummeted and all she could do was whimper in fear.

She was terribly missing her mother's warm embrace, and the comfort of her dear friends and moreover she was missing Jungkook.

Hana found it hilarious that after pushing Jungkook away countless times, rejecting him, and giving him nothing but heartaches, it was her heart that was aching for him now. Without even realizing when or how but the red thread of destiny had somehow bound her with Jungkook just like he had always claimed it would.

Only if she knew what her future held for her, she wouldn't take it slow and jumped on the first chance she would get to be with him. Unfortunately, because of her misfortune, she had lost her opportunity to love him back since most probably she would be soon hanged for crimes she had never committed.

"How do you feel?" a smooth voice questioned Hana snapping her out of her thought.

Hana slowly turned in the direction of the voice and noticed a familiar-looking lady gracefully walking toward her. She was wearing a long flowy white dress with her black hair braided to perfection. She appeared to be an angel in Hana's eyes nevertheless no matter how hard she tried she couldn't recognize her.

"Don't push yourself, you are facing the side effect of the magic used on you. Just try and relax" her melodious voice cooed and it automatically ease her tense muscles. She was sure half of her pain vanished just by listening to her pleasant sound.

The lady proceeded to wipe off tears lingering on Hana's cheeks using her thumb and then gave her a reassuring pat on her head.

"You did great, Hana" She began with a soft smile gracing her beautiful features.

So many questions were floating on Hana's mind but she couldn't form any sound to ask about and understanding Hana's state of mind, she proceeded to clear her doubts.

"I am sure you have lots of questions on your mind so I will try to answer you one by one" she mentioned as she took her seat beside Hana's bed.

"Memory prodding magic couldn't invade your mind and before the council could take further steps, your friends interrupted the trial" Hana's eyes grew wide realizing she was not hallucinating when she heard Jungkook's voice whispering to her. He had actually come to rescue her going against his entire family.

Her heart swelled with undecipherable emotions. She was happy that he tried to help her at the same time worried he might have gotten himself into trouble by doing so.

"Jungkook was furious and It was hilarious how everyone nearly peed their pants when he made his entrance," she let out a soft giggle recalling the moment then she continued "The council was thrown in chaos but no one dared to step forward and take any action. If it was not for Yoongi and Namjoon, the entire council would have burned down into ashes but people were still injured with his Amaterous... Not everyone but the ones who dared to act against him." She explained with glee on her face. It was very evident that she had enjoyed the wrath bestowed upon the council by Jungkook.

"Jungkook brought you to the medical ward for your treatment but later he was arrested along with all of your friends for going against the order of the council and now they all are serving their punishment in another dimension" hearing her friends were being punished for trying to bail her out, Hana's gasped in worry but the soft-spoken lady spoke to her in a reassuring manner.

"They are fine, you don't have to worry about them. At max, their punishment would be doing community service. After all, they all are princes and princesses from the Founding family. For now, just worry about yourself," She added caressing Hana's hair to make her relax.

Hana opened her mouth and tried to force out Daniel's name in order to get some information about his condition but she was unable to do so. Her breathing became rapid and frustrated by her failed attempt to utter his name, tears poured down her cheeks like a waterfall.

"It's all fine," As if she could read Hana's mind she held the younger girl in her embrace. She was feeling pity for Hana who had temporarily lost her ability to speak.

"Daniel will be fine too" she mentioned as Hana sobbed holding on to her as if she was her life support. For Hana, her kind words were like getting a bottle of cold water after wandering in the vast desert under the harsh sun.

The lady patiently waited for Hana to gather herself and then helped her lay comfortably in the bed. She fixed her pillow and pulled the blanket to her chin allowing Hana to rest.

"Do you know why was Emperor called the woman he loved lady Light?" Hana shook her head signaling no to her question as she didn't know the reason.

"The world back then was torn in war, it was like the endless night of terror, death, misery, and pain, and Kaiser the Emperor Uchiha Sasuke was the Emperor of that Night." She began with her explanation.

"When The Emperor finally found the woman, for the first time in his life he saw the hope of light. She became the light that ended the darkness of his life. She became the symbol of love to him and hence he called her 'My Lady Light'" Hana's lips curved upward finding the story utterly romantic. There were not many records about Emperor's mate heck she didn't even know if the Emperor was married or not since history only boasted about how he conquered the universe.

"You have to gain back your strength Hana and return back to council stronger than before. You need to show the world that you are not some weakling that they can trample upon." she placed a kiss on Hana's forehead giving Hana the encouragement she required to go through another round of hell.

"After all you are the Lady light of the future Regent of the Emperor"

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