01. Mini Marauders

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April 29th 1980

"Sirius put that down! Your about to pop, you don't need to be lifting things!" A worried Remus yelled to his pregnant husband.

"I'm not fragile Moony, I can move a box of cereal." The dramatic man laughed rolling his eyes. The two had been over at the Potter residence for the third time that week. Seeing as Lily and Sirius were both pregnant they spent most days together, because their husbands didn't want them wondering around with the war going on.

"Prongs tell him I'm fine!" Sirius complained

"He's fine Moony, just- Lily no, you shouldn't be carrying heavy things either!" James panicked once he saw his wife holding a large book.

"See! Now both of you please sit down somewhere." Remus said lightly pushing his husband to sit down.

"Hey where's Peter, I thought he was coming over?" Sirius asked looking up at James who shrugged

"I suppose he's home, hiding."

"I'm here bitches!" Marlene McKinnon yelled entering the Potter residence

"Marlene, don't swear in front of my child!" James scolded putting a hand on Lily's stomach

"That's not how- nevermind." Remus sighed shaking his head in disbelief.


May 2, 1980

"REMUS HOLY SHIT! MOONY CALL THE DOCTOR!" Sirius Black yelled holding his stomach from where he sat next to Lily in the Potter home.

"What?! Now?" James yelled running around like a mad man

"Ok, ok, I got this, I'm going to be a dad, I can do that. Oh my god I can't do this!" Remus rambled as he paced back and forth

"Lily, please! Do something." Sirius pleaded in between contractions

"Yes of course." The pregnant red head smiled before slapping her husband

"James, Remus! Pull yourself together. Sirius is having a baby and I prefer if it wasn't on my living room floor." She yelled and the two panicked men finally pulled themselves together.


A few hours and a lot of threats and yelling from Sirius later, the youngest Lupin-Black was born

"What are you going to name her?" Alice asked holding the baby. The two proud fathers looked at each other

"Star Carina Lupin-Black?" Remus suggested

"Carina?" James asked

"It's one of the stars in the Orion constellation." Lily and Sirius informed with a fond smile.

"I love it." Sirius said as Alice handed him his daughter who had just opened her eyes.

"Remus, look." Sirius exclaimed happily looking down at the girl

Everyone gathered around the baby to see she was contently looking up at her father with her beautiful different colored eyes. One a grayish blue and the other a light green


July 31, 1980

Star laid happily in her godfather's arms completely unaware of the happy panic going on around her.

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