02. Halloween '81

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May 2, 1981

Star sat happily on the floor next to Harry, the two of them playing with the matching set of stuffed animals they were given by their fathers last month. Each child had a black dog, A wolf, a stag, and a rat stuffed animal. While Star didn't care much for the rat toy, Harry didn't mind it.

"Happy Birthday love!" Sirius said as the adults walked into the room.

Remus holding a small pink cupcake with a candle on it. Everyone began to sing while the two children laughed. When it was time to blow out the candles Sirius did it for her in fear that the curious girl would try to grab the flame and end up burning her hand. Once she was handed the cupcake she held it out to Harry.

The boy looked at the pink treat with wide eyes

"Cake!" He smiled looking up at his mother.

The two kids shared the cupcake just as they willing shared basically everything else. Both having a great time until Peter Pettigrew came in.

All of the adults were completely unaware of why the youngest Lupin-Black hated the man so much. But she did, she always had. Even the day she was born, she only cried when he held her. Now she just would glare angrily at the man and scream whenever he tried to pick her or Harry up.

"NO!" She yelled pulling Harry towards her as she glared up at the man.

"I don't know why she does that." Sirius said confused. Looking up from the journal he and James had been writing in.

"I'm not sure either Padfoot." Peter mumbled with a small nervous smile.


July 31, 1981

Harry's birthday was less eventful seeing as the Potters and the Lupin-Blacks now in hiding. Star was sitting sadly on the floor of her father's room. She missed Harry, he was her best friend and they hadn't seen each other in a few weeks.

Sirius was scribbling away in his journal while his daughter sat playing with her stuffed dog.

"Pa? Hawwy?" She asked sadly

"I know you miss him love, but we've got to stay here for awhile." Sirius said turning to his daughter sadly as she sighed disappointed


October 31, 1981

Sirius sat with his daughter, he was waiting for his husband to come home from his latest order mission but he had a gut feeling something was wrong. He didn't know what it was but he felt like he needed to go see Peter.

The two had switched places as the Potters secret keeper and Sirius was now worried he made a mistake.

"Hawwy, huwt." Star cried softly

"What was that love?" Sirius asked confused

"Hawwy Huwt." She repeated with tears streaming down her face. That was enough for Sirius. he grabbed a spare bit of parchment and wrote a note to Remus

I'm sorry. I love you so much.

He placed the note on the counter and then ran up to his room. He grabbed the small bag that had a portable expansion charm, inside he placed his journal, a locket with a picture of the Lupin-Blacks and the Potters and on the other side it was just Star and Harry, and her stuffed animals. He then wrote a note to his daughter and put it in the bag before grabbing her blanket and wrapping it around her.


The two of them arrived at Peter Pettigrew's safe house and Sirius held his daughter tightly to his chest as he knocked on the door. Upon finding the place empty, he immediately understood what the bad feeling in his chest was. Peter was the snitch, and Sirius willingly put the Potter's safety in his hands. He ran back to his bike where he met Dumbledore. In his panicked state it didn't occur to him how strange it was for Dumbledore to be there but he was thankful. After correctly answering a question that only the true Dumbledore would know the answer to Sirius handed his daughter to the Professor and jumped on his bike.


November 7, 1981

After a few days Dumbledore had finally decided what to do with the Lupin-Black girl. Now that Harry was placed at the Dursley's, Star needed to be placed somewhere as well, and with rumors that she was dead Dumbledore believed he had limited options. That is what lead to where he was now. A muggle orphanage. He placed to girl on the steps and handed her the small bag he had gotten from Sirius.

"Pa? Moo?" Star asked looking up at the old man confused

"Wait here my child."


"They will be here soon. Just wait here, your father will come get you very soon." Dumbledore explained and the young girl nodded happily

"Pa comin." She whispered to herself as she watched Dumbledore walk away.

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