13. Things are getting Sirius

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We visited every shop and decided to end our trip at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. We were there all of three minutes just looking around at all the couples

"You wanna go somewhere else?" We asked in unison before laughing and grabbing each other's hand

As we were leaving Cedric suggested the three broomsticks for butterbeer and I nodded

"To the Three Broomsticks!" I said jumping on his back as he laughed catching me with ease


"I had a lovely time today Mr. Diggs." I smiled as we laughed at his new nickname

"Lovely enough to do it again?" He asked nervously and I smiled

"I'd say so. You're pretty cool for a Hufflepuff." I joked

"And you're pretty." He said but once he fully registered his words a faint blushed spread across his cheeks.

"Thanks again for today." I whispered leaning up on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek before turning to the portrait

"Fortuna Major." I mumbled to her an the portrait swung open.

"Until next time Diggs." I smiled as I stepped into the common room where I was met by Fred, George, Lee, Seamus, Dean, Ginny, Hermione, Lavender, Oliver, and Padma all apparently waiting for me

"Do you have any idea what time it is young lady?!" Fred yelled and I looked at the clock

"4:15 in the afternoon?"

"No note, no Owl! We've been worried sick!" George yelled pretending to cry hysterically as he and Fred hugged each other.

"Alright alright!" Seamus laughed

"How was the date!!" Several voices yelled at once

"It was fine." I smiled

"Oh so you admit it was a date?" Oliver asked and I rolled my eyes

"It was kinda of a date and it was fine." I laughed

"Fine? You were gone four hours and all we get is 'it was fine'? We want details woman!" Lee yelled

"Where did he take you?"

"Was he polite?"

"Why were you gone so long?"

"Did he kiss you?"

"Did you kiss him?"

"Are you guys going out again?"

"Did he have a nice time?"

"Did you see Honeydukes?"

"GUYS!" I yelled as they kept firing questions at me. I sighed pulling out my wand

"Sonorus." I mumbled holding my wand to my neck

"GRYFFINDORS! WILL Y'All SHUT UP!" I yelled, they all stopped talking immediately. Most jumping in fear at the loud volume of my voice. I smiled putting my wand away

"Now since you all must know, we went to hogsmead, he showed me around. Yes he was a complete gentleman. I was gone so long because I was having fun. Not that kind of fun, Oliver stop glarin at me. No he didn't kiss me. Yes I kissed him but only on the cheek when he dropped me off outside the common room. Yes we're going out again but we haven't planned it out yet. Yea it was a lovely afternoon. Yes we visited Honeydukes because I promised Ginny I'd bring her back some candies. There are you satisfied?" I asked and they all nodded going to do there own things. I went up to the dorm the nap until dinner.

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