65. The Downfall of Voldemort

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Third Person POV

Blaise was running through the corridor looking for the wounded and the dead when he heard a groan from a pile of rubble. He ran over to see Star sitting against the wall half her face in recognizable do to the amount of blood and dirt caked there. Her clothes ripped as she was seemingly covered in blood

"Star! That god! Where gonna get you some help. Hang on." He muttered lifting her into his arms and rushing to the great hall. There were still a few death eaters fighting but many fled knowing Voldemort's chances of winning dropped drastically the moment Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms

"I found her! Help! She's barely breathing!" Blaise yelled gaining the attention of everyone there but he didn't care.

"Blaise!Duck!" Neville yelled and without a second thought he did as he was told and a red light flashed above his head. He looked over to see Bellatrix on the ground and he ran clutching Star's body to his chest before gently laying her where Draco told him too

"Oh my god..." Draco whispered to himself

"Can you heal her?" Seamus asked worried

"I'm gonna try-Where's Poppy?" He asked

"I'm her-Oh Merlin! Mr. Malfoy let's get to work." She nodded pulling out her wand as the two of them worked  the Weasleys, a few members of the order, and Neville, Blaise, and Luna surrounded them to fight out death eaters

"No! I am sick and Tired of you!" Neville yelled as he began dueling Bellatrix after he stopped a spell that had been sent at Ginny and Molly

"Aww Baby Longbottom wants to play!" She laughed

"You aren't going to hurt any one anymore!" He yelled

"Who are you to stop me?" She laughed madly

"Neville Longbottom. Petrificus Totalus!" He said locking her in a body bind as he glared at her

"This one's for mum and dad.... Reducto!" Neville yelled and Bellatrix broke like shards of glass

"I-Well done Longbottom!" George cheered Neville smiled before seemly remembering something and running out of the hall


Third Person POV- Moments later

Hermione and Ron rushing down the grand staircase towards the courtyard with Nagini chasing after them as they look back at her. Suddenly she begins to violently thrash around as if she was in pain

"What's the matter with her?" Hermione asked confused but then all fighting and movement stops as a crack fills the air and everyone turns to see Harry and Voldemort as they plummet to the ground of the courtyard after a moment Nagini thrashes angrily through the rubble and Hermione and Ron begin to run again this time towards the Great Hall skirting past Flitwick and Hagrid who were battling death eaters

Further away from them Trelawney could be seen sending death eaters through the air

"There's more to me than incense
and tea leaves, Mr. Finnegan." She called out when Seamus let out a sound of shocked amazement

Back in the courtyard you see Harry and Voldemort staring at each other as they attempt to catch their breath before their eyes land on where the elder wand laid

"I told you, t's useless to-" Harry was cut off by Hermione and Ton now run in his line of sight just before Nagini rose to fatally attack them

Before anyone could react Neville appeared sword in hand as he sliced through her, cutting her head clean off.

Voldemort froze staring shocked as her body thrashed in the air for a period of time before dropping to the ground still. Her head rolling down the pile of rubble below her before plopping on the ground and Voldemort yells out in pain turning to Harry and in a continuous motion he shot a hex. A beam of green explodes from his wand immediately locking with the red one coming from the wand in Harry's hand

Soon Voldemort's spell rebounds back to him and he stands still for a moment before dropping to the ground dead in a pile of ash


Moments later in the Great Hall

It's quiet now. They're all here, some huddled together in small groups, nursing their wounds. There are no tears, just quiet laughter and low conversation. Harry stands at the top of the Hall, surveying it all, then begins to walk. The Weasleys huddle together, with Remus, Sirius, and Tonks as they watch Draco gently clean the blood from Star's face as she sits talking to him McGonagall steps into the aisle, gives Harry a hug, lightly touches his face, then turns away, eyes glistening with a small smile. Aberforth and Oliver Wood sit around goblets of something strong. Aberforth gives him a stoic nod. Harry continued walk and looking around at everyone. Dean and Seamus laughed together at a table arms wrapped around each other. Filch communes with Mrs. Norris. Flitwick and Sprout sit quietly, dazed. Cho looks up from a group of Ravenclaws, smiles faintly waving at him which he returns. Neville sits wearily, the Sword of Gryffindor still clutched limply in his hand,  Blaise sits down beside him cleaning the gash across his forehead.

Then Harry looks up and sees Hagrid filling the aisle with tears in his eyes. He steps forward, wrapping Harry in his massive arms. Harry winced in silent pain, as Hagrid released him, tapping him on his shoulder before  hobbling away. Harry watches him go, then turns, sees: Hermione and Ron. Standing by the doorway. Watching him with proud smiles.


Star's POV

After five minutes of convincing Draco that he healed enough for me to be okay we made our way out for some fresh air.

"There are the others come on." I smiled grabbing his hand but he didn't move

"I told him I hated him, you know?"Draco mumbled and I nodded

"I've seen it. Lucky for you, you never seemed to mean it now come on." I joked

"You think he knows I didn't mean it?" He asked and I nodded

"I'm sure he knows you didn't." I smiled and he nodded allowing me to pull him to the trio.

"Hey." I smiled

"Star!" Hermione cheered pulling me into her arms

"I'm so glad you're alright." She said pulling away to look at me.

"It'll scar but I'll be fine." I smiled turning to Draco who was staring at Harry as the two just looked at each other with dopey smiles on there faces

"Should we-"

"Give them a moment? Probably." Ron said finishing my question

"Mione?" Fred called out from the  castle and I look to Hermione who now had a bright smile of her face.

"I'm gonna..." she mumbled looking at me and I nodded gently pushing her forward

"Go." I laughed as she took off running and didn't stop until she jumped into Fred's waiting arms

"Wanna go for a walk?" Ron asked and I turn to him with a nod

"I'd like that." I smiled as we started to walk away from Harry and Draco who had still been staring at each other

"It helps if you talk." I joked and Harry nodded silently not taking his eyes off the blonde

"I love you." They said in unison

"Let's get out of here before they start snogging." Ron joked pulling me behind him with a laugh.

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