51. Im Holey

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"Harry, your eyesight really is awful." Hermione exclaimed wobbling around a bit as everyone made sounds of agreement

"Blimey. I almost forgot." Mad eye said before pulling 7 pairs of glasses from his coat pocket and handing them out

"Right then. We'll be pairing off.
Each Potter will have a protector. As for you, Harry..."

"Yes?" We all asked

"The real Harry! Where the devil
are you, anyway?" Mad eye asked looking around

"Here!" Harry said raising his hand and Mad eye turned to face him

"You'll be riding with Hagrid."

"Brought yeh here sixteen years ago when you were barely bigger than a
Bowtruckle. Seems only righ' I should be the one ter take yeh away." Hagrid explained

"Yeah, it's all very touching.
Let's go." Mad eye said as we all filed out of the house and then I remembered that the original plan was for Charlie to be here but he was stuck in Romania on a mission

"Mad eye, a word?" I asked and he nodded

"I haven't got a 'protector', how am I supposed to lead us on a broom by myself?" I asked and he thought for a moment

"I suppose you could just apparate back to the burrow, but I think you have what it takes to do it on your own." He nodded so I sighed

"Ok, yeah I'll do it."

"That's the spirit, stay-"

"Vigilant I know." I mumbled grabbing my broom.


Even though I was in the front I was supposed to be the last to arrive because I was meant to circle back and cause a distraction which was easier said than done now that I was on a broom by myself.

Just as we were flying over muggle London the death eaters ambushed us and I pulled back just like I was supposed to and started to head in the opposite direction of everyone else it was a bit difficult to pay attention to where I was going and duel but I made it work until I was hit with a hex that cut my torso up like crazy and I was bleeding...a lot.

Before I could comprehend was was happening I hit the ground harshly and the broom shattered underneath me.

I reached up and pulled the glasses off my face as I was now myself again, I looked down to see I was bleeding profusely and I wheezed in pain forcing myself to sit up. I knew I was far to injured to apparate but with a broken broom and not many other options I would have too. I looked around to see my wand landed not to far away, I quickly reached for it an apparated myself outside of the burrow.

"She's back!" I heard what sounded like Ron yell before everything went black.


Third Person POV (The burrow before Star arrived)

The motor bike crashed into the yard sputtering and smoking as the front door opens and four figures rush out

"Harry! Thank god!" Draco called running to the boy and pulling him into his arms

"What happened out there?"Molly and Sirius asked as they lead the two inside the burrow Draco immediately getting to work healing any wounds the two had

"Has no one else come back yet?" Harry asked confused and Ginny shook her head worried

"Ron and Tonks should have been back by now." She informed him

"They were on to us from the start... death eaters and you know who as well." Hagrid explained

"Thank goodness you two are alright." Sirius mumbled as movement was heard outside and Harry, Ginny and Sirius rushed out

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